Ozempic face is not a thing. People who lose weight rapidly, regardless of method do get a specific look to their face due to the rapid fat sometimes.

I don’t doubt that it’s a pain to get a birth certificate for an undocumented home birth….but your kid has cancer. Somehow I doubt this came as a surprise and she probably had ample warning that this document was needed. Cancer hospitals have social workers to help patients. This is just straight up neglect, and it’s scary to think Donnie could be getting sicker.

Dr Polanco at One Medical - she’s incredible!

Costco and Amazon have been the only reliable options for me

This. I’m rooting for them. They’re young but it’s not totally crazy. Her family seems not great so this might allow her some normalcy.

I’m so sorry. I was also drugged as a young woman and I know the horrific mix of feelings you’re going through right now. I just want you know it’s not your fault, and you will get through this. I’m so sorry these monsters did this to you.

Resale has ruined so much and the wild thing is I don’t think most resellers are making much especially if you factor in the cost of ones time.

Possible red flag but they also might be slow. Don’t sign without them.

She was significant sun damage to her skin and the contrast of heavy makeup with her freckled body just doesn’t look good. A lighter foundation (merit maybe) that lets her skin show would be good. Frankly she should spend less money on her make up and take care of her skin.

You sound heartless, and I’m sorry this what life has done to you but you have reacted so cruelly to your loved ones.

Let’s bring back the days of having an entenmans cake on hand for unexpected guests

If it needs that much work - it’s bound to have some very big ticket items outside of what you listed. I would get multiple inspections and talk to some contractors. I mean this in the kindest way possible, but your post makes me think you’re very naive to what a massive undertaking this could be.

I honestly think hers is more the result of weight loss, she is significantly thinner compared to the start of her career. Combine that with aging, and the fact that she’s sucking her face in for a lot of pics, she looks like a surgery victim.

I would not take a cat outside on a harness unless you have a private or semi private space to do so. You can’t control how other people will react to your cat, and cats are more delicate than we realize. This story has stuck with me every since it occurred:


I’m very curious about this as well…as I’ve been tempted to use my 401k to pay off credit card debt but the taxes and penalties make it so not worth it.

80-100oz daily. I know it’s a lot but maintaining this level of hydration helps a lot with my chronic migraines. Frankly most people probably don’t need this much.

If it was an emergency, they could of grabbed something from a vending machine or asked a fellow student with a car to drive them. The school should have a cafeteria but let’s not act like they are actively starving adults.

I went to NCC, there are plenty of places to go grab food nearby. This is so dramatic. I think I ate in the cafeteria maybe once in my time there.

As someone who watched a friend develop reactive abuse patterns during a significantly abusive relationship, Nicole reminds me a lot of her. She’s resentful of how he treats her and abuses her, so she lashes out where it might be safe - in front of her friends. Her friends also seemed very thrown off, like this was out of character for her. That said, I wish she would leave him. He was literally in another country, and it would have been so easy for her to cut contact.

Also major side eye to people who defend Mackmound because of his “culture.” He married an American woman in America. If he wanted a strict Muslim woman, he should have made that choice.

My best recommendation is follow the Dermatolgist’s recommendations. This isn’t the type of acne that you deal with on your own. Also it looks painful so I really hope you find relief! I would try to use very simple products in the meantime and avoid irritating it more. If possible don’t wear makeup.