Candy Cat, Candy Cat, Candy Cat

:folklore: at least I'm trying:guitar::snoo_shrug:

Hear me out ,TTPD for wedding. The line about wedding rings hits, as well as many others, the tune itself is just very romantic.

Funeral: The Bolter

No thoughts. Just basking in supreme cat glory.

They're threatening my life directly as well as those I care about. If these christian terrorist pedophile cockroaches think I'm just going to lay down they have an awful and ugly surprise coming to them. I have no respect for their fucked up views, their hatred, their misogyny, their bullying. NONE. I regard them as scum, so no I will never bow to them

Fucking magat pedophile. Fuck all these christian terrorists right to their hell.

investments are a risk. You sink your eggs in one basket, you're gonna get burned, as the mixed metaphor goes.

They are murderous christian terrorists and fascists. They must be absolutely stopped

It's vicious what has happened. Kids are going to die and are dying and suffering from this and no one seems to care. People's healthcare should not be targeted and eliminated by the government

The vet and staff thought my girl cat was a boy because her face was all round. Turns out she was just a little upset from being at the vet and was puffing her face out a bit, normally she has a very slight.mouth like the picture here. I think in general though your cat doesn't look female necessarily

My cat's name is BunBun! She also demands treats.

By "worrying" I hope they mean hopeful, exciting, fortuitous, literally the opposite of worrying

I paid 24k in taxes last year. I wouldn't mind a hotel room for the weekend?

All these christian terrorists need to be rounded up. Their churches need to be staked out, their leaders questioned, finances seized etc. We know they are planning treason. They have systemic child molestation problems, we see evidence of that too. Now they are issuing open terroristic threats. This problem needs to be nipped in the bud while it's still possible and nobody gets killed.

Fuck off. Stay away from their medical decisions with their families. Yes medical access is being snatched away. Ignorantly chiming in win bs lies about trans people has real life reprocussions that don't affect you. You're weird for being an obsessed transphobe.

This christian terrorist feels comfortable getting in front of a camera and making threats at groups of people. That should not be the case. They will force their religion on you at the barrel of a gun and kill you if you don't comply to their cult. Make no mistake. We need mobilization against this

this is the enemy. Take a look at it. They need to be dealt with as the terrorists they are.

oh hell ya, all goodwill and politeness to theists especially christians flew out the window a long time ago. They need to be put in their place sternly forcefully and without any politeness. They want us, and everyone else who isn't in lock-step with their cult, dead. That's a fact. So I treat them according to how they regard me.

These children abusing christian maniacs are trying to diminish that term because it's what they do. It's a horrible disgusting crime to do that (groom) a child. It's so dispicable and gross how they spit that criminal accusation at innocent people meanwhile they are busy touching and abusing children left and right in their fucking churches. Fuck all these magat christian pedophile degenerates, they're animals

Ah, the ol' loblaws coffee section never fails to disappoint, such a wild experience. Luckily I haven't gone in months and don't intend to.