AMC Jeep Comanche 5spd. Mine is still going after my Dad bought it 38 years ago, soon to be handed down to the 3rd generation.

I accidentally got a tank of diesel in my Yamaha once, but it came out of the Gasoline pump. Someone at the mixing station screwed up and a diesel mix got into 20 tanker trucks marked as gas and about a dozen stations before they caught it. Oil company had to pay for repairs for over 100 cars and a couple brand new ones to replace cars that were destroyed. Stations from Santa Fe to Albuquerque NM affected, all were closed for a week to drain tanks and clean up. I wonder how many millions this cost them.

My bike didnt make it to the end of the parking lot before it blew white smoke and stalled. Station manager gave me a 5 gallon bucket to dump the fuel into, just pull the line at the carbs and let it drain in my case, much easier. I got a gallon of fuel from another station nearby and after much sputtering it fired back to life. Ran poorly but good enough to get home. A lot of work that weekend to clean everything out. Since I worked on it myself and didnt have a mechanics bill I didnt get jack for compensation, they should have at least paid for the gas can I had to buy and another tank of gas.

I bet most who didn't pick this havent seen it

Still rocking a Samsung Note 10 from 2019 here. My carrier last year reached out saying my phone was incompatible with network upgrades coming and my phone was just not going to work one day. Then recently they sent me a new sim card and they walked me through porting my number to it and said it was good a while longer.

Same. After smoking for 2 years because everyone at work did I decided one day I didn't want to smoke anymore and just did, no withdrawals or anything. But even with a long term girlfriend and great sex life I'd still browse the adult sites right after she left right after the real thing. *sigh*

It's been impossible to kick that habit, yoga pants and sexualized ads everywhere you look doesnt help.

Depends on where you are. When I lived near Hobbs, abso-freaking-lutely! Do not leave your shoes on the ground at all and check them every time just to be sure. So many scorpions in the house, it was a nightmare. Big centipedes inside too!

I've lived pretty much everywhere in NM and not really a problem elsewhere only smashed an occasional spider in other places no biggie.

Small frozen custard over here. Best I could hope for is one of them gets brain freeze and I try to run away while they are distracted.

When I was growing up I lived down the road from one of Robert O. Anderson's mansions. Pretty wild. Most of the town lived in single or double wide trailer type housing and then there's the guy with the helicopter landing pad outside his house.

He was the largest landowner in the USA at the time I knew him, with over 2000 square miles of property. He was a big time rancher and cattle owner with some obscure or uncommon breeds. His ranches had signs off the highways with pictures of the cows and name of the breed under them which was kinda cool. Before he got into ranching he was an oil man in Texas and thats how he made most of his fortune.

Before he passed away he donated huge tracts of land to the state and it became a wildlife refuge. EDIT: for comparison the state of Delaware is ~ 2500 square miles.

“Les trois tétons” was the name French beaver trappers gave the mountains haha.

I ran into my wife's surgeon and anesthesiologist outside her room after she gave birth. She was going to have a tubal ligation right after.

Surgeon was talking about how excellent the new GT3 was that year and he was looking at trading in his old 911 in on one. You know I just dont drive it much after I got the Ferrari. Hey, hows that C8 ZR1 working out for you? Have you taken it to the track yet?

Holy smokes! Meanwhile me in my $1000 Chevy... 0-60 in a week and a half.

Pedestrians casually walking by saying "You're doing it wrong." or "Hey did you see that fire over there?"

Decoy safes work, keep them semi hidden but easy to find. Dont make it too obvious.

I've had 4 break ins, 4 different houses in the same state. They've never made off with more than $1000 worth of stuff so I've never even gotten to claim it on my insurance. Cops couldn't care less, they gave me police report numbers and that was it. They were really interested in a magazine with 7.62 rounds in it thieves made off with on the last burglary but didnt give a shit about anything else.

Haha thats a good idea. I'll ad a tracker to my decoy safe.

Mine has rolls of pennies and some dead motorcycle batteries in it. Feels like it's full of lead bricks, because it is haha.

Hi "friend" in Connecticut, I'm "friend" in Colorado. I heard her talking to a friend in California and a friend in Arizona as well.

My wife inherited a vintage Navajo silver squash blossom necklace that's probably worth more than my entire stack. 5 figures easy. It stays in a bank vault and almost never gets worn.

We do wear bracelets and rings though.

Toe bug tattoo on the arm, that's a real boot maker right there!

Nope I checked. Mine has one of the screwed in pins in that location. not adjustable.

So cool! This would be perfect. I just got my Sealander GMT and it does not have this though. How do we get one?

Parts for a 30 foot socket drive ratchet. You could assemble a Death Star with it.

I'm glad Culver's showed up on Wisconsin. I love getting sent there for work just for that. It's like a better Freddie's

Well they fixed the bullet holes in the windows in their SF Airport Rd location finally after like 10 years lol.

They are hit or miss, more hit than miss. When they are on point, oh man! Best burger I ever had. And then an occasional off day from the same location and you're eating cold flavored cardboard. Like WTF?

Mine's a 1976 R90/6 A few less wheels than yours ;)