I fully expect Kopech be a good middle reliever at his next stop. He’s not a closer and the White Sox are just a dumpster fire. I have no doubt he went to the Rays for example he’d be a lights out 7th inning guy.

He still sucks. I’m a Sox and Marlins fan and he’s been completely awful.

Looking down 2 playoff appearances in 10 years, which would be the worst decade in team history playoff appearance wise.

I have zero faith for this organization to get it right. And most definitely will not pay the money when the time comes.

It will be 3 years or so of picking 5-10, then top out as a 45 first round exit team, rinse repeat.

You could be excited about a rebuild if there was an end game, with this organization there is not. Look at the last Bulls and White Sox rebuilds. That sums up Jerry Reinsdorf

You played 75% of last season with a terrible defense. You had about the worst defense of any playoff team. The stats speak for themselves.

And stay in your own sub.

Seems like a rough move for the Kings honestly. Committing 3 years to Demar. I guess they have trouble getting players there. Also they need defense more than offense. Really puzzling move on their part.

With taking almost no salary back Bulls aren’t really getting anything but late 2nds. This is basically just doing Demar a solid.

:EuryPerez: Eury Perez

Fuck this franchise. I can’t even imagine the literal trash they are going to throw out next season.

2013 game 7 Hawks vs Redwings. I know it wasn’t a cup, but OT game 7 against your biggest rival fucking electric

:EuryPerez: Eury Perez

It’s amazing that it would probably be for the best to replace every starting position player next season minus Jazz.

It’s impressive to have this little positional talent.

:EuryPerez: Eury Perez

This teams hitting is the most disgusting thing I have ever watched in baseball

Armia and Dvrok have been clogging up the cap as bad contracts for years, it’s not just a this year issue.

Gallagher hasn’t scored 25 goals or more since 2018-2019. I would sure as fuck not count on 25 this year.

Anderson is by far the best bounce back candidate in the group, but he is overpaid for what he brings.

As I said these contracts have all been issues for several years, and part of the reason a big rebuild was needed. Too much bad money on the books.

If those contracts disappeared they could have offered high AAV on 2-3 year contracts to plenty of guys.

Again nothing makes sense about taking on a 29 year old $15M for 3 years. And you take that it’s a given he lives up to his contract. Maybe he pulls a Jevon Carter and is immovable.

Based on this thread I’d say your view is very much in the minority, and for good reason.

All it cost is money to sign a free agent. They would have signed someone July 1 if Hughes could make those contracts disappear

It sure as fuck is, to have any value, which I think is unlikely based on the contract he will get, he would be taking minutes away from developing young players during a rebuild when he has zero future.

You don’t take away minutes from core players for the potential at best 2nds that come back in a trade.

It’s a horrible take.


Look at Demar’s last two trips to FA. He was going to have to sign the MLE until he came to the Bulls, and now is looking the same.

He is 35, doesn’t play defense, and is a tough fit on a ton of rosters.

To me Demar is a perfect example of a guy who raises a teams floor, but he isn’t raising the ceiling

It’s a business first and foremost, and will always be. Yes a ton of nonsensical takes

Well sign and trades have to be 3 years. Even if it’s $15M, why in the fuck would you have a luxury role player eating up cap and minutes for 3 years? It makes no sense on any level.

If they didn’t have Dvorak, Armia, Gallagher, Anderson, etc I guarantee Hughes pulls the trigger for some top 6 help for this season.

Exactly, you don’t sign a guy for nostalgia/ or what they did in the past. You only do it if you think they are worth the contract going forward.

Martin on a $20M a year contract is not an asset. Locking into high priced role players is how you fuck yourself

People in this sub want a trade because “assets” but I think the clearer books are way better than anything they can/will get back for Demar.

And highly paid role player that is almost 30, sure as fuck is not it.