The top of my industrial hits right next to my glasses and I've never had an issue.

For the first one, I'd have framed it so the shoe was more in the lower right-hand corner. I don't really like the second one but that's just me.

We'd ride our bikes on the dirt bike paths behind our neighborhood and ended up in other towns frequently. And we had to knock on doors to get directions home. The horror!

My Grammy is almost 102 and it's sad to think that she could go at anytime, but she lived a good full life even tho I'll be really sad when she goes.

I had mine done for like 5 years and took them out about 12 years ago when I got pregnant. There is a tiny scar but you can't see it unless you look really close. It healed up nicely.

We've just started fishing and all the other people fishing (all have been male so far) have been so patient with my boys and their questions and have offered advice to them. Thank you for being the same. We have absolutely no idea how to properly fish so I love that people are willing to help.

Yes I do most of the shopping too. Last time he tried to buy toothpaste he got the wrong kind. 😂

Watch your water glasses. Mine are in love with knocking them over. And my kids are in love with leaving them on the table. 😂

My daughter just got one side done (she's planning on the other side soon) and it's so low on her mouth that it does touch her teeth. She said snake bites are supposed to be lower than a regular lip piercing but that seems off to me. I just don't want her to ruin her teeth.

I send my husband with a picture of what we need. It's worked great.

I keep a horseshoe in mine. and it doesn't touch my teeth at all.

The airport won't know if you're allowed to take them or not. I've flown with kids and no one has ever asked me for any proof from their father.

My favorite thing was when Lane was working and she said she left her cell phone at home on purpose.

I swallowed a whole ass horseshoe once while eating a cheeseburger. No idea how, it was just gone. I had no issues with pooping or anything. I never searched thru my poops for it.

My lip, industrial, and 2 in each lobe. I work as a merchandiser for a greeting card company. I'm hoping to get more soon.

My son threw his shoe out of the stroller and I didn't notice until we got to the park. On the way home we looked for the shoe and couldn't find it anywhere! It just disappeared. So he stopped wearing shoes in the stroller. 😂

OMG me too. I'd go to the bathroom reminding myself not to look in the mirror and accidentally say her name 3 times. 😂