This is called being a miser…this man has no purpose for his money other than having the money. Money is a tool and should serve a purpose

Did you DIY those garden beds? Send me your secrets

Yup so let's break this down.
1. Abe accords- Are you aware of the violent history of Shia-Sunni Islam? Iran is Shia, and the world's largest terrorist sponsoring state. SA is Sunni. Both are vying for power in the Middle East, US is friendly with most Sunni countries, very unfriendly with Shia (tend to be Islamic extremists). Biden hands Iran $6B and terror breaks out in the middle east. Coincidence?
2. China- Was there any China Taiwan tension under Trump or has that all occurred under Biden? Yes I'm sure the CCP told you all about their plans to take Taiwan under Trump lol
3. Russia- Attacked Ukraine when Biden was President. and I quote "It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do". Following this statement on Jan 20 2022, Putin invades Feb 24 2022. Coincidence?
4. They're all narcissists, Trump is likely the biggest of them. If you hate Trump and Biden why not Kennedy?
5. You once again did nothing to address my claims in the post. The President doesn't control QE or QT the Fed does..
6. I don't watch Fox

Thank you for your fact less, nothing burger contribution to the conversation. 4th reich is such a joke lol

The vast majority of the country disagrees. Right wrong or indifferent. He's the most unpopular president in modern US history.

Doesn't matter the president or legislation. If you have a larger pool of assets you will receive an outsized impact

Domestically it's easily the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (halving the tax bill for the average family), this also created opportunity zones. Which allow for long term investments to be taxed at zero percent (look at Detroit). Trump's economic policies grew the average wealth of all Americans and real net income growth

Internationally it's the Abraham Accords

Inflation under trump 6.2% over 3 years with wages growing 9.4% netting a real wage growth of 3.2%. Biden 17.9% inflation with wages growing 15.4% netting a real wage loss of 4.5%.

Trump, median household income rose to it's highest level ever, with poverty at an all time low. Unemployment was at a 50 year low as well (pre covid).

The border and immigration were under relative control. There was stability across the world, including a peace deal between Israel and the Saudis.

Those are straight facts.

Your continued personal attacks tells me everything I need to know about you as a person

Because 75% of his presidency was great. Especially when you compare to a 100% fail rate of the current president

Agreed, there should have never have been lockdowns and a shut down economy to begin with. Sweden did it correctly

Trump March 2020-Dec 2020: $5.5T Biden March 2021: $1.9T

During Trump the world was under lockdown with a crippled economy. That is not the same economy Biden dumped $1.9T into. There was likely already a fire brewing and Biden dumped gas right onto it

Inflation was 1.9% when he took office. Then proceeded to blow trillions more into the economy…not all his fault but let’s not absolve him of responsibility

Pimp out your girlfriends butthole at local BST. Profit