He dumped me after almost five years. Walked out of our shared apartment and just left. I found out he was trying to hook up with another woman that weekend. When that didn’t pan out (she was also engaged - he is a gem) he tried to come crawling back to me by showing up at my front door at 6:00 AM begging to talk to me. I said no. It sounds cliche but I will never let someone back into my life who wanted to see what life was like without me. 🤷‍♀️

I have limited chess knowledge but an ex I had was obsessed and I remember him explaining this to me. The rook can become on the most important pieces in end-game. The metaphor honestly gets me so excited for DAV’s story.

I found Dragon Age back in 2013 so I got to see the full wave of Inquisition and the amazing DLC that is Trespasser (that should have been the end of the base game IMO but it’s fine) and oh my god…the years of back and forth from EA and the development team was insane. I remember being SO invested in any new’s - but it started to become a really negative sphere. I remember when we were told it was going to be a live service and the community lost their SHIT. Seeing the backtracking that happened was also fascinating and awful at the time!!!! I’ve been cautiously optimistic this last year and I am really pleased to see it seems to be paying off.

Oh, and I played Trespasser and a Lavellan romancing Solas on a break from college and I felt like I had experienced an actual break up. 😂😭 I remember going back to school mildly depressed for a few days.

The majority is men - bffr 😭


Nope, it is men. Just men you don’t want to consider in your in-group.

I am a school psych and although it is different tasks - survival is the realest thing in education in the first couple years. Try and foster some positive relationships to help you through, but really - just be so kind to yourself! It is baptism by fire.

I think it’s become extremely normalized in the last couple years, but in the kink community it is typically a power dynamic. It’s a sign of seeing trust and dominance in your partner.

This is one of the most ignorant things I’ve read on this goddamn site.

I work in education and as soon as it releases it will be my busy season, so I may genuinely plan to take a day or two off on release day. 😅

Exactly. Thats why it feels extra icky. I dont get why people can’t just be fucking kind to each other in the dating sphere, it’s so easy.

She’s just being a bitch tbh - and I say that as a fellow woman. OP needs to leave this woman.

This woman brought out my mommy issues.


The Architect is one of my top favorites in the franchise. He is such an interesting character and I would DIE if we saw more of him.

This is quite objectively the opposite of what empirical research says.

It doesn’t trigger me at all babes

I AM MAD!!!! 😭😭 (it’s fine but I wanted blood magic so bad)

ABA therapy is going to be a good bet. Behavior interventions within school districts may be willing, but will probably want certifications.

I have openly spoken about TS flaws for years. She is a capitalist at the end of the day 100% Her feminism Is flawed and narcissistic. Doesn’t change the fact their is an obsessive desire to hate her - and she doesn’t give a fuck. And these responses make y’all look like mean bullies just the same, so I’m not sure what you’re doing here?