My key was using the big rock to hide behind and hit and run tactics lol. Got him out of the water.

I think mine bugged out. He was just stuck saying ah ahhh laying on the ground.

I’m only able to summon one guy for him. I think I messed up the brawl before.

Me rotting the bastard to give him Deja vu

Elden beast runs away and gets double tapped by the Glock Saint.

BOS - NHL :60602:

Flat earthers in shambles

No they’re just having gay sex

This will make the water room so much easier. Try carrying her off now!

The tears would be cool. I’ve not leveled up once bring at 150. Spend all my runes on items and stones. I have almost 100 of each stone.

The worst area is by far the north finger ruins. Just getting hit by beams and paralyzed every 3 seconds.

We stopped bullying and ended up with people who are open about being furries.

Oh god. There’s one in these very comments

Godzilla had a stroke from trying to read someone’s bad grammar.

They just don’t wanna take PEAKiro and add any of the things that made it the best game( in my preference). Replaying bosses!