Jag köpte chokladen på rea, kan inte slänga det är ju dåligt för miljön.

Yes a driver’s license is hard, I cant imagine having millions of people following the same principles and guidelines.

Kaan du inte bara byta lås när hon är borta och lägga allt på gatan? Fann vad knepig situation.

Yes all true, very good post and thoughts but as you mentioned it was FUN. Its still fun!

Even if you remove the rose tinted glasses you will find simple mechanic’s but what makes it fun for me is the accessibility. The flowecharts and the interactions.

Look at Stardew valley or World is goo. Its about making an understandable feedback loops and continuously challenge the player by adding more mechanics that interact with the system or something that limits the mechanic/breaks it. But it has to be understandable

There are many examples factory, lemmigs, they are billions, heroes of might and magic.

Im a designer by trade let me know if you want tips/help.

Hahaha this made cry out loud, LiSAn I would give gold if I had.

Step 1 Buy a timelock safe. Step 2 Put phone in safe and put timer on like 8h. Step 3 Figure out a new hobby.

The real issue is the collapse of the middle class which is a historical repeating pattern. People need redistributed the wealth and we need things like new energy solutions.

Press Ctrl+m to view how many movement points it takes to move from province to province.

Always leeave 1 unit in a siege, it will lock the enemy inside the fort.

Use mages to search for magic sites. Or use site searching spells.

Please read the dom 6 manual, its great.

Well the black knight is the best recruitable thug chassi ulm has, and its kinda bad, it is what it is.

But you should definitely have 2-3 in any sizable army to counter thug/Scs. GSS with pearl and something that boosts strength and moral.

2 knights stacked with maces of eruption will clear like 15 pd pretty easily which is good for 2 gems, they are also buff able if you want.

Well all the items I mentioned are 1 gem a piece. So they are cheap to mass produce. Id rather have 5 knights with maces as light thugs an example.

5GSS are great to kill enemy thugs so its preference.

But I always have a couple mass producing those three items.

The pearl is also great if you need to hit something thats why I prefer the mace and sword off anti magic. You dont need to hit it.