Does there have to be a point? Can't we merely exist? Once alive, to say there's no point in living insinuates there's a point in dieing. Reason or "a point" is a construct we made anyway. Many more reasons to continue existing than not.

Take care of yourself bud.

Gohan had his chance and the execs shut him down. His gimmick is old and a joke at this point. He should just be benched with Yamcha, its what he wants anyway.

Wait till your boss accuses everyone of bullying them. Current boss has claimed "bullying" to run 3 different employees outa our hospital.

This is solid advice tbh. Dlc tombs have even had stakes on multiple floors....stupid basiballs

I bet it still tastes like purple

Shields, summons, op AoW and anything else that changes the flow of the game. Haters gonna hate cause its not the style they think is worth playing.

Bet I can guess what your Overwatch experience is...

Demon souls was my first. Ive enjoyed them all.

At this point choosing between DeS and DS1-3 is what flavor do I want to experience.

BB was great but probably the one I'm least interested in replaying.

Sekiro has the best combat hands down, and the most satisfying to overcome.

Elden Ring is good, but there's too much of it. The dungeons and certain bosses are choice. Outside of that, these worlds are always dead. An open world version of that feels extra dead.

I sat through so much of the original anime as it released, I've never been interested in a rewatch. Toonami killed my interest in incomplete animes in general. DBZA keeps DBZ alive in my heart.

Just watched him lift an old 45 lb plate from the inner hub. Even added 3x 5 lbs plates on top so he had to keep it flat and balanced. Just nuts to think about.

I'm not hating individuals. I'm dismissing a lifestyle thats founded on visual judgement. Its subjective, cheap, and is a slippery slope to destructive behavior.

Also, way more often than not, body builders get nothing but their bodies. Acting like its a profitable industry is misleading.

Fair enough. I'm wrong about the strength.

I understand they are stronger than most. Looking at Cbum, 600 lb deadlift is nothing to scoff at.

I guess my issue is that their entire purpose is an afternoon on stage. Their hard work and decisions are aiming towards winning that visual judgement. There are so many fucked up aspects to that lifestyle.

I'd rather praise and idolize the Strongman competitions than that Las Vegas based Mr Olympia.

If your gonna talk weight at least talk actual numbers. Whats the guy in the photos name? And how old is he now?

Yeah but thats literally the top result on a strongest body builder Google search, and not even descriptive of today's scene

Yeah I suppose. Its a fairly general term with a few really bad specific implications. My friend described practically self mutilation just to get that "look" when on stage.

Yeh but the one that walk the stage(professionals) don't even lift a truck ton most of the time. Its sculpting by doing light with tons of reps. Its not about strengty training at all. Reps, hormone abuse, and tricks for body manipulation.

Edit: I get it folks they are strong.

No, no. Ive heard to many first hand stories to be jealous of that specific lifestyle. Go to the gym, eat right, be healthy. Body builders are an extreme. They aren't your average person trying to improve their life.

This is either a sign of primo self loathing or porn addiction.

Body builders pretty much destroy their body for vanity. They aren't moving a lot of weight. Its all show and an unhealthy pursuit of an image. Edit: