So dangerous, these types of drivers need jail time. Well done on the clear footage.

You should never block a footpath, HOWEVER, as the old saying goes, there’s always an exception to the rule.

I feel this is an exception to the rule and the only reason I say this is because of the information she gives and the photos that support it.

It’s the end of a cul de sac, no one would cross there so I think the neighbour is just being a doucher.

I also think the neighbour is a bully because if your partner was in fact a drug dealer, I don’t think he be giving the large one and confronting him.

In fact, I think the neighbour knows your partner is a decent guy trying to make an honest buck few quid but because he doesn’t like foreigners, he’s being a prick.

Just my opinion and as I said, if it was parked anywhere else, I’d suggest moving it but as it stands, don’t move it because it’s not harming anyone and it’s at least a little bit safer from shitebags trying to rob it.

I would have sniffed the chair, immediately 😂

I hope everyone was okay. That driver needs jail time.

She has an incredible body, she’s beautiful.

The homeowner should have given him a few bucks. I know he said it was for free but if the fella did that good of a job, it’s only right to offer him something, even if it’s only small as a gesture of gratitude.


Disgusting how governments aren’t stopping this.

If Palestine requested help, surely a foreign army/ Defence Force could go into Palestine and protect the innocent Palestinian people.

I get why everyone says you better report him, which you should definitely do but I just wish there was a handier online way of uploading this EVIDENCE online to a Garda page/link.

For example, if had a link, you could upload dangerous driving too or if they have a Twitter (or X) page, you could put up the video evidence along with your contact details.

Surely they could have a small team studying dangerous driving videos daily and seeing if there is enough cause for arrest/ conviction.

I’m sure there is some Garda on long term sick or maybe office duties only, that could fill the role, anyway, it’s just an idea.

He is a douchebag. Just reading your comment, you sound like a real catch and any man would be lucky to have such an adventurous partner. Maybe stop being a “fk buddy” for this man and be with someone who truly respects you. By the way, being a “fk buddy” is totally fine once there is mutual respect and that includes being considerate of one’s feelings which this douchebag clearly doesn’t consider. Dump him.