I miss the Big Xtra Monday deal.

Was waiting for this... Look for a better job.

Not directly but closely enough to have a decent grasp of the economic health of the sector and its major players.

The film/tv industry isn't dead rather is far from it. It's one of our most coveted imports and it's not just the CBC, which is actually underfunded and about to take another round of cuts.

There's US production money pouring in....Amazon has been here a while now and won't be leaving anytime soon.

That is not true.

Our stuff doesn't appeal to the masses but we have very diverse broadcasting content, distribution is a different discussion.

Source: CBC Gem subscriber.

Mississauga and Brampton really paint a sad picture of our diaspora and rightfully so...the level of fraud, civil disobedience and rule skirting is demoralizing. It's creating a wave of lawlessness and it's very endemic.

The best way out is out of the GTA. Everyone wants socialism but they flip conservative when they get theirs.

This stuff hits home and the future is bleak for the logistics capital of Canada.

My gym runs a program for high school kids to hit the weights during the summer break. The kids show up in bunches and my usual Friday late night gym sesh is now a pep rally.

Great initiative for the teens but there go my Fridays! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Facing the same issue, so I hope I'm doing this correctly.

Device information:

Relay Version: 12.0.27 Pro

Phone: Google Pixel 5 (Pixel 5)
Android Version: 14 (34)
Device (product): redfin (redfin)
Rom: UP1A.231105.001.B2


No risk no reward. This is a tech stock and Canada actually does tech well.

Great analysis and thank you, I appreciate the breakdown and teach out 8-)

Bought LEAPs so yea, I've doubled down. Been holding since 2015, this is a pit stop on the journey.

the C-suite leaving is very alarming! TD will be fine in the long run but they arent doing well at retaining long standing executives.

I'm happy for Australia but if Saudi condones stoning should Canada consider it too?

Not taking anything away from the intent, as an immigrant 20+ years, I know what a power trip traffic stop feels like and the repeated run ins are traumatic.

Sure it's just a breathalyzer sample, look at the demographics of our current criminals and the disparity in enforcement. If the news from the last month doesn't make it obvious, we have a policing problem not a rules and regulations problem.

I do respect your opinion, hope you can see my stance too.

This isn't a good idea.

You let people drink at a park and then assume they're all drinking? Without reasonable doubt of me being drunk or drinking, I am now liable to prove I'm not?

We have a police power problem and we're giving our rights up like cake. And a resource shortfall while the budget keeps increasing like this isn't an additional operating expense.

I appreciate the difference between principle and rules based regulation but this is a very poor choice of enforcement.

My Pixel5 is on its last legs. Please Google, can I have a small phone??!?

Bad judgement and lives were lost. DRPS have their hands tied with this one but they will have to take an L on the highway chase.

We have cameras on those highways, but logistically this was very miscalculated.

It hurts to see a family uprooted because of this. Leaves them with no option but to sue.

Me. My cable service is a streaming service so I'd pay and not worry about finding a link or a buffer. Netflix built a model that works, the hard part is now fragmentation of media.