A lot of these places include the tax when calculating the tip now too. It inflates a bit more.

It stayed away for over ten years. When I got it again I’m pretty sure I had strep in the weeks prior. No strep test but it appeared as guttate.

It’s probably worth your time to call the pharmacies that you got those steroids from in order to get a list of which ones you were prescribed and when. You’ll want to note down the name, concentration, whether it was a cream or ointment, and the date given. I had to do the same recently for stuff I was prescribed a decade ago and it really set me ahead on my treatment strategy.

Different parts of your body will react differently to steroids too. Your face is real sensitive and is more likely to get rebounds compared to your body. What you could do is look at which ones you reacted to maybe there’s a pattern, I.e. was it only ointments that gave you issues then request a cream instead. I’ve noticed that my skin reacts if I put ointments of any kind on too thick, especially on my shoulders & arms. It’s even worse if I then sleep in non cotton sheets or wear a polyester shirt (totally weird, don’t know how I figured that out).

At the very least I’d say try the least amount of a lower concentration to start, then build up.

This meta-analysis is NOT about concurrent use of stimulants and non-stimulants. If you read the abstract it mentions 20 studies reviewed relating to methylphenidate and 8 studies reviewed on atomoxetine. There is no mention of concurrent administration.

Sorry you’re dealing with this. I’ve had gutate a few times and beat it back.

My advice is this is not the time to get squeamish on steroids. Guttate can turn into plaque and that’s where it looks like you’re heading. I see a lot of other comments against steroids but those are from people with plaque not guttate. For a potentially temporary (if you treat it early) condition like this steroids can be the right call but you can’t let these spots grow.

There’s plenty of different steroids out there. Which ones did you react poorly too? I personally do well with mometasone as well as betametasone/vit-d combination.

It doesn’t just loosen your stomach sphincter…

At the time I felt super self-conscious of my appearance. I always expected people, including women that I dated at the time to be disgusted. To my surprised or eventual realization, most people either didn’t pay much attention or would be curious with some questions but quickly forget about it.

At the time I was in college too so there were a lot of exacerbating lifestyle factors: high academic stress, uncertain relationships, party culture (lots social of drinking) and chronic missing sleep. I don’t have it nearly as bad now and I get the feeling that this might be mostly gone within the year.

You’ll see that the betametasone will give you relatively immediate and noticeable improvements. Both for how it feels and how it looks. The phototherapy and topical vitamin D (Calcitriol, Calcitriol) help too but not as fast, however they seem to offset thinning skin caused by the steroids as well.

I’m sorry you’re going through this. I went through this too when I was a child, then 12 years ago and now again starting a year ago. My dad has plaque psoriasis real bad so I’m predisposed to it. The second time I had it for about 1.5-2 years. That sounds like a long time but looking back I’m grateful that it at least went away.

You’re luck to have access to phototherapy. Topicals that worked well for me were mometasone furoate as well as a betametasone/vitamin-d combination. I had better adherence with creams because they don’t leave you feeling all greasy.

Mometasone furoate on body. Hydrocortisone cream (low %) on face. Calcitriol ointment on face & eyelids. Loteprednol ointment on eyelids.

I never use the hydrocortisone on my face unless I’m also applying the Calcitriol after. Skin took a few days to adapt to Calcitriol and I think I used too much at a first anyways.

Using a special steroid around the eyes is important if you want to avoid getting glaucoma.

Stop trying to keep your back vertical, you can see your lower back hyperextending in order to keep yourself vertical. You need to bend over and you need to look down in sync with your torso, stop locking your gaze forward.

Are you doing high bar here? It almost looks like it. I definitely recommend rereading the section on the squat from the blue book.

That’s been true but there’s been some development there in the past year or two.

Funny enough in the study they ran as part of getting desoxyn approved they noticed a significant lack of blood pressure increase as a side effect compared to the adderall pool.

Mind you we’re talking about a 5mg oral tablet dose, not 50mg smoked.

At 61 I would urge you to look more towards starting strength instead of StrongLifts. They have a really good book called “the barbell prescription” that sets out modifications to the program that allow you to still recover between workouts. One of the authors is an MD and a coach in Detroit.

Seeing starting strength coach for even just a session would be a really good use of your money. They have a lot of experience teaching people with degenerative spine issues how to properly execute the lift. If you have an issue with the execution that’s leading to problems, and you might not be aware that you do, then avoiding the deadlift instead of fixing it will leave you worse off. There is a directory out there of coaches.

What you must avoid from here out is likely back extensions and sit-ups/crunches, the wiggling during the exercise causes issues. I see suggestions about using the trap bar but then you’re really just training the same movement pattern as a squat but in a reduced range of motion.

Some have suggested going to the doctor and doing what they say but I’m sure you’re already familiar with what they say about backs: take it easy, train.

Edit: I meant to point out that you could reduce the frequency of you deadlifts like they have you do in starting strength. Workout b do 3x5 of chin-ups, then alternate between rows and deadlifts on workout a.

I watched the whole video, gave some good context. I don’t understand where the hate is coming from.

As far as I know estrogen is anabolic. Your levels are high-ish only because your testosterone is high-ish. Not sure what benefit you’re looking or not getting for but it’s generally hard to gain muscle on a calorie deficit. Sure there are stories of it happening but it’s not something you’d set out to do, especially without the proper concurrent training program.

Per the “first 3 questions” (https://startingstrength.com/article/the_first_three_questions) you’ll want to take a look at question 2.

You’re taking too big of jumps. My gf had to use 2.5 jumps right around that same point. You can expect your OHP to need it really soon as well. Not long after that you’ll likely need to switch to 5 sets of 3, which you’ll use for most of your NLP thereafter. That’s the biggest difference in starting strength’s programming for women, they tend to run 5x3 for as long as men tend to run with 3x5.

The other big difference is the expectation to gain weight. Men get a better strength improvement from eating more and gaining weight.

This is the way to go. Most doctor in any area will “snap to” when you start commandeering the situation, especially if you come across as informed, responsible and methodical in your approach to YOUR health. That being said they may be resistant or provide push back, don’t get flustered but engage with them. If after several visits they’re still stonewalling then push hard for a referral to someone more experienced.

The band at the base of the condom can cause some friction leading to psoriasis. Also, wash the line off right after

A water pump for 2k even though they’d have the timing belt off and fluid drained at the same time!! Pretty dirty man. The cost of the pump is pretty low, $50-$120. I say this as someone who’s done everything you listed myself and I’m not a mechanic.

But that does make me wonder, are a lot of the people saying “buy a tdi, it’ll last you forever” the kind of people to do all the work themselves?

A lot of what’s actually being discussed in the fitness space are intermediate and advanced training methods. Many of those same people will suggest that an NLP is the right approach to a newbie, but that process should be over for a committed trainee in 6-9 months.

So for the rest of their training lifetime it’s mostly advanced/intermediate methods. The nlp period is small on that scale. It would be better if influencers were always giving that caveat but it would get tiresome and it’s not what they’re trying to sell (because it’s too simple).

You might be correct. Another way I’ve heard it explained is for young guys in their 20’s who are able to get all the sleep they need, have someone else paying their enormous food bill and don’t have a job that’s too labour intensive. Basically the perfect environment to get those kinds of test levels.

The book explains to you that texas method is a method, an approach to programming and NOT A TEMPLATE! That means that following the book exactly is not right or wrong.

If your upper body lifts are very high, like bench close to or over 300 lbs then following the TM example (not template) in the book should work. The reason it won’t work with lower weight is it’s just not enough stress to create a strength adaptation. So in that case when ss is too fatiguing the compressed tm works really well to start making progress again.

There is no upper body light/recovery day on compressed tm. For day 3 you do 1x5 for BP but for the press you do 5-7 heavy singles. That means on Wednesday you’ll likely wind up be doing 75-80% of Friday’s OHP for a 5x5.

4 day split is what you’ll see if someone’s run TM a few times already or for guys in their 30’s running TM for the first time. It cuts down on your workout length and is a bit easier on recovery for those older lifters or those approaching advanced.

I remember seeing a video on YouTube where Rip was being pressed by a woman on “who is TM really meant for then” and he responded with “anyone with at least 700ng/dL of testosterone”.

You need to go crazy on that LOC. every extra penny needs to go there. Living with your parents during this period is a very smart move. For now only take the rrsp if there’s an employer match. Nothing goes to the car or house until both loans are paid.

Continue investing 10-15% of your income then put everything after that towards the mortgage. If this was some other form of debt, e.g. student/credit-card/loc, then I’d agree with your wife because the risk is bigger. This isn’t meant to be a compromise but it is: people are better off when they pay the house off in 10-15 years and contribute 10-15%.

At your current income 15% is just about maxing out your rrsp/tfsa.