I got married on August 9th and hired a videographer. Our signed contract says she will deliver the video within 10-12 weeks, which would have been around mid-October to early November.

I didn’t have any contact with her since the wedding until I emailed her right before Halloween asking for a status update. She said she had a family emergency and was a little behind schedule and would have my video in the next two weeks.

Two weeks later, I still hadn’t heard or received anything. I followed up with her again right after Thanksgiving with no response. Then I followed up with her again this past weekend (no response still). Both my husband and mom (who was part of the contract negotiations since she paid for the videographer) have contacted her now and no one has heard a response.

She has been active on her personal IG account but not her professional IG account so I know she’s alive at least...

What should I do? How do I further escalate? It’s been nearly 5 months since my wedding now and I’m really frustrated by her total lack of communication and the very late video.