Get a Flash Cart. Works just as good as real hardware and tells price gouging sellers to fuck themselves. Best of both worlds. Don't pay triple digit prices for a common game like Pokemon Emerald.

I'm honestly not 100% certain. As far as I know, it can only connect to Japanese copies of RS. I don't know about Emerald though as it has a lot of different quirks and compatibility issues with other Generation 3 stuff. Pretty sure FRLG is off the table here too. I only own a Japanese copy of Sapphire, so I wouldn't be able to test anything beyond that unless I bought more Japanese Gen 3 games. You do need to have beaten the game though in order to distribute Celebi though. That I'm certain on. I think a lot of the reason so much of it is undocumented is because it's such a niche way to play Gen 3. How many English Gen 3 players are there to begin with, and then out of those, how many have the ability or knowledge to even do this process and work around the language barriers. When I did this, I had to play Pokemon Sapphire from start to finish in a language I don't know how to read. Google translate was my copilot and I eventually learned to sight-read the important stuff. Also had to track down and purify a bunch of shadow pokemon on a mostly complete Colosseum save file. It's a lot to ask just for a Pokemon that isn't even required for National Dex completion criteria, so I doubt many people are trying to get this much out of their gen 3 experience.

Death isn't really important in Dragon Ball. It can be in the moment but it typically doesn't last long so, yes, you can absolutely enjoy the series if you know about certain plot details. You can enjoy literally anything if you know what happens. I know Mario Sunshine front to back and still play it to 100% completion every year and have fun with it every time. If you just know a handful of plotpoints you can absolutely still enjoy Dragon Ball.

It honestly depends on which design you're looking at. Each design varies wildly in spot quantity. Some have loads like Mario 64 and Mario 1, but others have as few as 4, or in the case of Mario Wonder's melon piranha plant, or nippers, none whatsoever.

This is not entirely true. Yes, the FIRST Celebi is sent to the Colosseum save, however you can redeem another 48 (or 49, I've heard both numbers) Celebis which are all only available to be sent to Ruby and Sapphire over GBA to GC link. The Ruby or Sapphire save also needs to have beaten the Elite 4 in order to link to the expansion disc. I actually went through this whole process last month. So far I have 2 Celebis in Gen 3. The one in my Japanese Colosseum save, and the one in my English Emerald, which I got by trading it over from my Japanese Sapphire. I need to do more testing to see if the same copy of Ruby or Sapphire can receive multiple Celebis or if it knows not to distribute to the same save twice. I have everything on original hardware though so if any further questions come up I'm down to find answers.

Anyone who's watched the movie would know not to lmao.

I remember incredible crew. I had a buddy who thought the hand unsanitizer was hilarious. I remember a joke they stole from Mad Magazine that involved a prospector who referred to potato chips as gold. Like I watched the episode of incredible crew earlier that week, and then later I was in an FYE looking at a Mad Magazine and they had a strip in there about the same shit nearly verbatim. I never really got into the show myself. The CN Real stuff never really struck my fancy

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Lmao, eat shit dude.

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If the demand outweighed the supply then why are there still loads of copies up for sale? There is no shortage of supply, it's keeping up with demand quite adequately. You do not understand supply and demand.

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There's no debate here, I'm just talking to a brick wall

This isn't even a game, this is fucking YouTuber merch. Since when was eceleb shit allowed on this sub

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Lmao, I'm not doing the same thing as you at all. Do not compare us. I'm buying games so I can enjoy them and eventually pass them to my kids. The game was around $200 in 2020 and that's because it's actually fucking rare, you moron. HGSS sold 12 million units!! That's 85× the number of copies of the game out there than EB, and yet the more common game is somehow more expensive? There's no excuse for this! Clearly my point has flown way over your head. Retail?? You have no idea what that term means. Earthbound was a $70 game when it came out in 1994. I'd have been delighted to pay retail price. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. If you reply to me with more bullshit, I'm just gonna block you because you aren't making any sense. It sounds to me like you're just reseller scum looking to make a buck off of people with genuine appreciation for these games. I wouldn't sell you the shit in my colon much less a piece from my collection.

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You're literally talking out of your ass, if the demand outweighed supply, it'd be a lot harder to find legit copies of the game online but it's not. I don't like paying high prices because I know the games aren't worth the high prices. Love how you just assume that because I don't like high prices that I'm just too poor for the hobby. I own shit you've probably never even heard of dude. I bought a copy of Earthbound for $155 in 2020 and that game sold significantly worse and is regarded as one of the best RPGs the system has on offer with a major following in the modern gaming market. Pokemon of all series shouldn't be eclipsing it in price. I bought both HeartGold and SoulSilver at retail, so this isn't a problem I'm facing. Excuse me for wanting a healthier market that allows more people to enjoy the game. Just because you're stupid enough to feed into market manipulation and support it doesn't mean everyone else should. It's bad for the community at large.

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Buddy, I'm not hating on the buyer. If you read my comment you'll see that I'm blaming the shit prices on greedy sellers and market manipulation. This is an objectively bad deal for this game because it's incredibly common. Imagine paying a price like this for StarFox 64. HGSS sold 3 times as many units. Don't tell me this is a supply and demand issue either because copies of Heart Gold sell all the time and you can find several copies still up for sale, so the demand is clearly not outweighing the supply. That's not to say the buyer is entirely blameless here because in the end, he still paid this dog shit price for this game and validated the price gouging by caving to it, but the guy just wanted to play his game and he got screwed to do it because of the asinine secondhand market. Hop off my dick dude, go white knight elsewhere.

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This is absolutely not a good deal or the "way of the world." This is pure market manipulation. You got screwed.

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250 dollars for a game that sold millions and it doesn't even have everything with it 💀. I fucking hate resellers.

Yes! There are 2 entrances to Wayward cave. You're in the main entrance here. There's another entrance to the left hidden by the bike path above it. Inside the left entrance is the only location in the game where you can find Gible as well as a small section you need the bike to navigate.

I agree, ever since Gen 6 they've been handing them out like candy.

Crimps are common errors. I have a crimped Starmie V from Astral Radiance (the art rare with misty beside it) and it doesn't change the value like at all. If anything it just ruins an otherwise fine card. I hate getting crimped cards.

Fake cartridges often lack features real cartridges have. Mainly multiplayer stuff. They're also incredibly prone to failure, often times wiping saves or just not functioning at all. You're better off with a flash cartridge, or an emulator.