It’s really off how she seems to think everyone else are just cardboard cutouts and she’s the only one whose feelings are real and matter. She’s a very strange person and definitely comes across as being a total empty shell.

RVT (Registered Veterinary Technician)

I've been a tech for ten years and an office manager for the last 2, and I've never quit- even the most awful jobs- by text. I'd be annoyed too, it's very unprofessional. If we want to be taken seriously as professionals in this field we need to act like professionals. I understand anxiety and avoiding conflict are reasons, but still. Unless the employee has reason to believe the manager or boss will be abusive when they do it, then obviously that's different and it's valid to just split without notice and via text.

The easiest way I've found to quit without it being a big deal is to type up a resignation letter and leave it on my manager's desk with the date of my final day. Then it's up to them if they want to have me work out the final two weeks or not. The last job I quit I did this and they told me not to finish out my two weeks via text, which was fine by me.

I solo hike almost exclusively so I do usually bring everything, exception being a shelter, but I’m going to look into some of the suggestions here. I have a small first aid kit that I added some things to- a quick clot pack, butterfly bandages, a pack of suture and small needle drivers, ace bandage, iodine swabs and alcohol wipes. I bring a knife but I’ve never needed it.

I also bring a collapsible water bowl, an extra leash and a package of freeze dried food for my dog when I hike with him. He carries his own water bottle in his harness pack.

I'm with you, Scheana is going to be doing her own redemption tour, saying anything and everything to justify herself. Blaming production is easy. They shot themselves in the foot by making this season so unpleasant to watch. If they'd gone the Summer House route this season and had the girls actually supporting each other I bet the ratings would've been better and the show wouldn't be now on pause. A lot of people got a bad taste in their mouths from the first few episodes of VPR setting up a Sandoval redemption arc, and then the Lala and Scheana dogpile started and got even grimmer to watch.

After spending forever shoving him down our throats and insisting he was the perfect man/father/partner 🙄

The frustrating part is that when they announce that this show is inevitably cancelled for good, you know Lala is gonna go around screaming about how it’s all Ariana’s fault.

For once I applaud Jax and his power trip. Anything to keep these two from sinking another show.

She should really take her own advice and let go of all that anger towards Ariana and Katie 🙄

Seriously these hags act like they’ll crumble into dust if they can’t be on TV

Prayers up that the response to Lala is so bad that she gets permabanned from The Valley. Bravo gods, hear me!!

I have a feeling that friendship is done for good. And I hope for Ariana’s sake that it is. Lala is no friend to anyone.

Her trying to not start crying really hurt to watch. The way her face got red, you could tell she’s really upset. I feel so bad for her.

Also I’m sorry but Lala HAD opportunities. When she was with Randall she was in his movies, she was palling around with Megan Fox and all those bigger actors in Rand’s movies. She should’ve tried harder to parlay her access and contacts into a lasting career other than VPR.

It is hardly Ariana’s fault that she made something of her opportunities and is clearly a hard worker and pleasant to work with, considering how many jobs she’s racked up.

I kind of love that while scheana and Lala have been going to every podcast that will have them to whine about Katie and Ariana, they’ve both said almost nothing and just paid them dust. Gray rocking indeed. It’s the only way to deal with attention whores like those two.

One minute they're screaming that Ariana is not important and the show isn't about her, the next minute they're crying because apparently her participation is crucial to the show continuing. Lala and Scheana should pick a lane.

It's never coming because the things that Scheana and Lala think matter to the fans, only matters to them. They're delusional and they have both lost themselves in this show. No one cares that Lala broke the 4th wall. All these big "Reveals" they thought would redeem them just make them look worse, like admitting they were trying to force confrontation at production's behest.

Much like the Toms' new gfs who've "never even watched VPR", they were lying to make themselves sound better lol

Jax needed a redemption arc after how nasty he was in season 6. He also wanted to be able to use being a married man as a weapon against anyone calling him out. Brittany was desperate to be married and wanted the ring and the title more than anything else. It was always gonna end badly.

Agree with everything you said. The producers are so disconnected from what the fans want to see- it's happened on Housewives too. The fans don't like it when it becomes blatantly obvious that certain cast members are forcing storylines and it feels fake.

If Lala and Scheana hadn't been so hellbent on forcing a confrontation with Ariana and Sandoval maybe they could've found their own storylines, but nooo. If they had even just focused on holding Sandoval's feet to the fire more about the affair, we would've gotten good confrontation. But nope, they were so jealous of Ariana that the producers could easily sway them to turn on her.

The only good thing to come out of this season is that Scheana and Lala were exposed as a pair of pathetic pick-mes, and the Toms managed to make themselves look even worse than they did in the past. Which is kind of impressive.

I hike solo most of the time. The biggest thing is using common sense and being cautious. I only go solo on trails that aren't way out in the backcountry or extremely isolated, don't have a ton of hazards, and where if I get into trouble it's likely that another person will be at least within shouting distance.

Always make sure you tell someone where you're going, how long you anticipate being gone, and I like to drop a location pin with my phone when I arrive at the trailhead (if service allows). I carry a small daypack and always carry a water bladder (2L), a water bottle (for cold water), a small first aid kit, bug spray, snacks (I like trail mix, granola/protein bars, and these little squeezy packs of peanut butter), Liquid IV electrolyte packs, a knife, a compass, a whistle and a rain poncho. Adjust your carry to your area- bear spray if you're in bear country, etc.

He did the same thing when he dumped her the first time. Refused to leave the apartment so she went to a hotel. Feels like Sandoval took inspiration from ol’ Jax on that one.