Way to set strong boundaries momma bear!  wheresthevillage

It’s like AITA or relationships, just a sub for people to weigh in on other peoples lives and invest themselves in (often imaginary) drama. I am a parent and used to be on the sub but left when I realized how weird the culture there is. 

That sub is full of non parents and a lot of weird angry young men 


Idk I feel like it’s good they focused more on what the research says than one therapist’s opinion? 

I used to be very disturbed by reborn culture, but now I think I view it as strange but mostly harmless and possibly helpful for some people so whatever, man. But this argument is confusing. Are they a limited resource? Does it matter if they are taken care of well or not once they’re purchased? They are dolls. 

Oh shit I just use regular wipes. I didn’t realize this was another thing I had to be scared of. 

I know I went through this stage. When my brother was in kindergarten my mom warned his teacher that the next year she would have to deal with me and my tantrums were insane. A year later, teacher tells my mom she doesn’t know what she was talking about because I’m an angel and the best listener in class. And my mom was like, you’re right, she’s so good at home now, too. I was over it. 

Fruit salad, leftover birthday cupcakes and watermelon 

Posted last week about planning my son’s 3rd birthday party kind of last minute and y’all brought me back to earth about realistic expectations for children’s parties. Well, it was yesterday and it was awesome. It’s the first real kids party I’ve thrown where we invited his friends and had it at a kid place. It was so fun. He had a great time. His friends had a great time. It was low stress and I and I felt way more grateful than I did anxious. Which means the meds are working lol. Thanks to everyone who talked me through it. 

Her not getting therapy sucks for her kids, but what really sucks is how she’s normalizing not just talking about the hard parts of parenthood (which is good, we should be honest and have a community to talk about that stuff) but really feeling stuck and overwhelmed all the time. A lot of struggling moms probably consume her content and at first it can help you feel less alone, but the repetition just makes it seem like it’s inevitable and unchangeable. 

I’ve gone through a few therapists and had trouble finding the right one. I’ve had to try different medications. But yesterday was my son’s birthday party at a children’s museum, something that at one point I would have absolutely found impossibly overwhelming. But it was actually just fun! So much fun! Because I took my meds and talked myself through it and I’ve been treating my mental illness. 

I feel for her but I hope people following her can see that it’s possible to struggle with your mental health in parenthood and not get stuck there. You can get to a place where there’s a lot more joy than stress. 

Internalizing the message that food restriction pleases your mom and gets you praise is always good for little girls 

What type of stunt? Being in a tunnel someone else also wanted to be in? 

In the first example you want a kid to stop playing the way they’re playing so your child can play how he wants. And your husband called him a bad kid? I would have just told my son to wait his turn to play in the tunnel.  These are super normal things kids are learning to navigate. I think taking a deep breath and modeling calm in the face of minor conflict is the best course of action. 

I wonder how many men will be leaving babies a lot younger at home to go to that conference. (And I wonder if they kindly lined up help for their wives just in case she needs support.)

You are doing nothing wrong. It’s less than a week! Your husband, I assume, is a capable and loving parent. It will be fine! And the happy cuddles you get when you get home will be wonderful. 

There is really no way just to keep them in separate rooms? Why? I’m concerned that a four year old and a bunch of kittens are all sharing a one room home tbh. 

I find myself wearing my second baby much more often than I did my first, so that’s something to invest in. If you’re going to be pumping milk at all, a set of wearable wireless pumps has been great for me.  Also I have an outdoor friendly “baby dome”/portable bassinet that I don’t think would have gotten nearly as much use if I had it with my first baby. I love our stroller wagon with a car seat adapter, too. It’s great for when I’m out with my baby and my toddler in situations where my toddler may get tired of walking or need to be contained.

 I think the main thing for me with a second child is anything that helps when we’re on the go or outside. A lot of that stuff felt much more optional with my first. I could just stay home a lot more because babies don’t care. 

Also really like our bouncer seat because I can’t just hold this baby all day like I did the first one, unfortunately. It’s a great place for her to sit while I tend to big brother and she still feels like part of the action. It’s not obtrusive and doesn’t take up a lot of space in the house. 

You expect a toddler to be able to handle his emotions better than you can. 

I love season 7 more as a comfort watch than I did when it was on. So many classic lines. Panties, bitch. 

If he‘s lived in a home with domestic violence, it makes a lot of sense that he doesn’t fully trust adults who aren’t his mom. He also probably has dealt with a lot of chaos and so is trying in his way with his baby brain to create a controlled and predictable environment. He’s likely lived with a lot of anxiety and confusion. 

Why are they staying with you? It’s stressful for little kids when their living situation changes. This could be a response to that. 

That’s insane. Four year olds don’t need phones. Like hey how about we become fluent readers first. 

All of these are measured against an average, but very few human beings have exactly average measurements for things. And the scale here is so tiny, that the difference in what “week” your baby is measuring is very small. Just like adults, babies will each have their own proportions. Your arms are not proportionally exactly as long as everyone else’s, etc. This is not disfigurement, it’s normal human variance. It’s also an estimated measurement based on an imperfect image of a scrunched up, squirming baby!

What is the reason for your induction? Often the thought there is that it can lower risks for preeclampsia and other maternal complications, but it’s late enough along that your baby will be considered full term.