Yea, i finally watched the episode today. Definitely looks like whip scars.

I would have shit myself if Indy lost an eye in DoD.

I’m sure the logic was probably closer to god forbid the wrong person discovers this kid with insane potential, better to keep a close watch on him before someone else grabs him up.


The 800 vs 800 scene was cool, and so was dispatching the T-1000 with acid. The rest was trash, Emilia Clarke was a terrible choice for a lead and what they did to John Connor was just stupid. Jason Clark is a good actor, but every time I see him I immediately think of this role

Plus those energy shields kinda make it necessary to get in close and dirty.

Someone probably had way too much time on their hands and went way overboard. I could almost see myself over engineering something like this during the pandemic lockdowns just to stay busy…. Almost. This is just ridiculous

The thing about Aliens, is that we’ve seen the first film, we know what the monster looks like, there’s not much left to shock and scare the audience. Cameron made the smart move and changed the direction to now we know the threat, let’s see what a swarm of these things are capable of.

Ha. Smilo Ren. That’s a new one, might have to steal it.

Shit at least Hitler could paint. I doubt Trump has any such talenr

This. 5 year old me had a snowsuit with a belt that I’d made believe was a flight suit. My parents walked in completely stunned as I laid on the couch, unbuckled the belt and rolled my eyes back in my head.

Ah, youth!

This and catering. A hungry crew is not a happy crew, and an unhappy crew is a recipe for much bigger problems.

Nah. Sailing the high seas like a pirate was the best way. No need for age verification. If you could manage to run Kazaa or whatnot, you’re old enough to see sex. Now it’s “are you old enough y/n” and that’s it.

It took a few reads to realize you’re being sarcastic. The other thing people don’t seem to realize is that Trump generates clicks and sells papers. CNN is now owned by one of his pals. Major outlets are praying for a Trump win (at least the CEOs do so they can cash out before all media becomes state run). Forget the debates, just look at track records.

Forget the debate. He’s an older man, not exactly gonna be the quickest on timed questions like a game show… he was unfortunately prepared for specific talking points, instead of just told to let loose off the cuff. His record speaks for itself. Besides we’re voting for the administration, not just him. Comparatively, Trump spat out lies a mile a minute that were never fact checked or challenged. “Black” jobs, migrants, somehow getting Putin to pull out of Ukraine -before- he’s in office. These are all things that needed to be addressed. Regardless, if Biden was a literal corpse glued to the podium, he’d get my vote before a multiple felon, adulterer, rapist, liar, traitor who claims he’s going to become a dictator (just for one day, you can trust me right?).


(Probably because those houses burnt to the ground)

Yea the delorean is def my next buy, plus the kit with the hood bits and red tires from the third movie

The Playmobil 1A is probably my favorite toy. The lights are perfect and so are the proportions. The only thing I’m not a fan of is the scroll bars being lenticular stickers. Thinking about replacing them with a small pair of OLED screens. Otherwise, between the car itself and 4 busters with proton packs and slime blowers, it’s a hell of a play set for all ages.

Yea, well everyone is entitled to their opinion. If anyone thinks that was a strong showing, they’re just as deluded as the MAGAs. Gotta call the facts as we see them. I’d rather someone studder a little bit when put on the spot with a time limit for his reply, than rapid fire lies. It’s not a game show, and that’s what CNN turned it into.

I’ll put it this way, if the company was paying fair rates and benefits, there would be no reason to unionize. Instead they see the writing on the wall, and want to scare anyone on the fence to backdown. Don’t. If the threat of a union is so frightening to their bottom line, then someone is afraid of losing their yacht/vacation home in order to make the laborers not have to struggle to feed their families. If you weren’t decided before, seeing this anti union scare tactic is a sure sign that you need to unionize.

I’m voting for the team, not the person. If grandpa Joe can’t keep up in a fast paced timed debate, that’s fine, I’m not looking for a speed chess champion, I want someone who may stumble as he gets his thoughts out, instead of the one who is loudly repeating the same lies over and over. The only difference is Trump fills dead air with “China China China” “migrant this, hunter that” instead of saying “ummmm”

All that said, I’d vote for the podium before Trump.

Should have just got the playmobil one for a quarter of the price with tons of lights, detail and playability (plus 4 figures and accessories)