Well after all these years I have learned one thing about the linux community: the best way to get good suggestions isn't to ask kindly "what do you guys think is the best alternative to x?", no no no, you have to find a post like this and piss someone off by saying "I swear I tried, but as long as linux doesn't have x, I'll never have it as my main desktop OS".

And it works, EVERY TIME.

Ryzen 7 3800x - 32GB 3000Mhz - RTX3060 12GB - 2TB NVME

That looks like a non-modular psu though, but could be badlt plugged adapters, like molex

That at the end looks like the kind of stuff you put in this  bad boy in stardew valley to recycle it.

Also most people will be watching this from their phones, on a small screen.

Yeah no, your logic doesn't sell the product man, stop with that please.

Ryzen 7 3800x - 32GB 3000Mhz - RTX3060 12GB - 2TB NVME

Yeah, I think you're right, maybe it just fed the flames ahah

Ryzen 7 3800x - 32GB 3000Mhz - RTX3060 12GB - 2TB NVME

I don't see anyone mentioning this but the nest of cables is sitting on top of a fan, it's also possible that the fan scraped on the sleeving of those cheap cables untilthe copper was exposed.

Ryzen 7 3800x - 32GB 3000Mhz - RTX3060 12GB - 2TB NVME

AHAHAHAHAHAH Bloodborne a niche game yeah sure, also confirmed by the fact that this post has 4k+ upvotes.

Battlefield 3 also had it, it was so hard to unlock any red dot for it, but it was so good then.

Gli dico spesso "mostra meno post come questo" ma compare lo stesso, come si fa a silenziarla del tutto??

madonna sono un fallito che non ha manco fatto l'università e ormai ho 33 anni reddit di merda smetti di consigliarmi sta community di piagnoni
ma perché mi compare sempre in home page??

This is honestly such a stupid fucking hobby.
But to each his own.

Love it when graffiti artists make anything other than tags.

I can feel the cozyness from here dude thanks, love that

If it can't be any higher without being on the ceiling, can it NOT be too high?

When something doesn't make any sense on reddit it's probably a joho reference.
I tried to watch it, I just didn't think it was good. It is beyond me how people can like it but I respect it.

Ah lo tieni tu? Chissà che fatica

I'm a big PC nerd, I've been since 1995, so coming from me this will sound a little insane but I think we should make a biiiiiiiiig pause in graphics advancements.
We're at a point of huge diminishing returns: triple A games take too long to come out and they aren't even that good most of the times, hardware is too expensive and most of the times still can't run current gen games properly.

Don't forget we got most of what we consider "titles of the golden era of gaming" between 1998 and 2004. In those 7 years we got more classic masterpieces than I can fit in a reddit comment, in less than the time that has passed from Fallout 4 to this day. Good graphics aren't worth it anymore.

Ryzen 7 3800x - 32GB 3000Mhz - RTX3060 12GB - 2TB NVME

Man the amount of functioning stuff you consider "trash" in the US really is something. It truly is the land of consumerism...

Puts no filament in

"Creality sucks! The printer isn't printing!"

Why are you all talking about firmware? OP Answer the question, where is the filament?

E' inutile farlo il torneo a parte se i baiocchi sono gli unici che mangiate.

No but seriously OP, everyone is cracking unfunny jokes but where's your filament?