This was how I got into Tom Clancy however many years ago; had just seen the movie, and my Dad happened to have the book so I read it. I was hooked!

Harold's warehouse is another option for fabric in chch. Or online try backstreet bargains (hamilton), super cheap fabrics (oz), drapers (auck), fab fabrics (auck), nicks fabrics (auck), or the fabric shop (auck, and different from the fabric store)

I'm interested in trying Daria Patternmaking or Vikisews' designs as they're modern but fitted styles. I agree with the sentiment that in general, boxy type patterns are not especially interesting, and are easy to replicate by self drafting.

You can email LINZ customer support if you think its an error, and they may look into it for you

Regarding the specific address not being available via NZ Post, I've found if I type it manually (ie edit buyer's provided address) it will sometimes then come up under NZ Post.

It may relate to how the buyer entered it in trademe and NZ Post didn't recognise it for some reason

I use Instagram to search patterns before purchase, as this seems to be the place where most sewists post reviews/finished objects with comments of mods etc. Sometimes it's hard to find the right hashtag though if not a big four pattern, eg style arc isabella top could be #saisabellatop #stylearcisabella etc etc. But generally I find lots of useful results for mccalls/vogue etc

You can phone LINZ and they will supply property owner's name on the phone at no cost. Or you can order the title for $6 online which will show the name.

On the other hand, on trademe I include this info, then get repetitive "how big is it?", "what suburb for pickup?" questions. I suspect people don't bother reading listings.

You can also phone phone Toitū te Whenua LINZ and they will tell you who owns it (for free), however they won't have contact details for owners. But it's a starting point!

Trifle: line large bowl with sponge coated with raspberry jam, then add drained canned peaches (singing "millions of peaches, peaches for me..."), soak all with too much sherry, fill to the top of bowl with custard, sprinkle choc chips on top once set. Serve with cream.

I'm probably missing something major, but I'd prefer no coalitions allowed, with a minority government in place. Therefore, whichever party gets the most votes becomes government, but then every party who has a seat in parliament will get a say in each bill that is proposed/passed. Each party would in theory vote each bill according to its values, so we would get true representation.

This was always my understanding of how MMP was supposed to work, so I've always been disappointed.

Totally agree! I persevered through to the end but wouldn't bother rewatching.

I watched it for the first time last year, and while I got through it, I won't bother again (whereas I'll rewatch Buffy through every couple of years). Was great to see Cordelia, Faith, and Spike though