The actor also kills it in Treme

It's called kodi android installer and it's in the official kodi addon repository under K in the program addons section.

Ok, I've never heard that expression before. Thanks for teaching me! What language if you don't mind me asking?

Yeah, true. I got thrown off by the baseball thing cuz I don't know sports so i thought you were saying something else. My bad.

Libertarians just want all the benefits afforded to successful capitalists without having to become successful within capitalism. They already deserve that success inside their heads, but since they didn't get the golden ticket, they can't deal with the cognitive dissonance of trying to succeed within the mythological boundaries of the system and failing.

It's not like everyone can be the manager. Someone's always gotta do the dishes, and turn raw materials into products. Libertarians and ancaps just all think that they deserve to be the manager, and that it's the state impeding their ability to reach their destiny.

They aren't wrong that the state contributes to their oppression, so there is plenty of real evidence to enforce their bias, but they don't see the big picture because they only understand the system through the system's own propaganda machines (which go far beyond the state in the modern age).

I mean, they're two different ideologies. But capitalism is basically just fascism with extra steps, and capitalists are all about efficiency.

I'm a cool dude in a loose mood, and I give it two thumbs down.

Yeah, ancap is just a trendy term for centrist libertarians.

Some group just rebranded libertarianism as anarcho-capitalism and try to attach themselves to anarchism while diluting the philosophy in favor of capitalist interests.

You mean to tell me that the people whom the system abandoned are the ones taking direct action against the system?

Color me shocked!

Real easy to "be an anarchist" when you get all your money from the system.

My boss worked with CPS during the crack epidemic. That job really messed him up

There are already too many smug bastards that can act

They already did it before The Wire with The Corner. The only thing stopping them from doing it again is all the people paying money for artistically bankrupt industrialized trash over and over.

I ran into a few of them in Pasadena around a decade ago and ended up drinking fighting and sleeping under a highway overpass for a few days while Phil taught me how to play banjo.

Told em to follow me down to OB and a few days later they showed up and we kicked it some more on the beach.  If you look em up on YouTube there's a couple vids from that visit of them playing on the OB wall, posted by Ralph Guest.

Check out the other HBO show The Corner if you haven't yet.

There's an official installer in the official Kodi repo that let's you install every version of kodi that has been released. Just use that to install an earlier version

That's offensive to all ghouls who aren't from america

Yeah, but schizophrenics don't generally have the executive function to turn their delusions into a grift. Schizophrenia is a seriously debilitating disease when left untreated.

Real recognize real, and that dude's a hustler just spewing new age nonsense hoping someone will bite. These types of grifters seek out people like Joe Rogan because the new age woo-woo people are the demographic Joe Rogan managed to captivate.

Notice how he initially marketed himself as an open-monded psychonaut, and then went all in on the alt-right conspiracy theories?

Michael Parenti wrote a book called "The Culture Struggle" that has a short chapter on how the new-age phenomenon, while seeming like a harmless quasi-religious leftist belief structure, is actually intentionally designed to serve the interests of the upper class by shaping a people's culture through mass-media. Great book and well-cited, though I wish it were longer.

No, the car is like a Faraday cage. The tires help insulate the car from the ground, but lightning is so strong it's able to pass the gap between the car and ground, otherwise it wouldnt be able to strike.

What saves you is the fact that the lightning travels the path of least resistance, which is the metal shell of the car. As long as you remain inside the car, you are more likely to be safe from a direct hit because the electricity flows around the outside of the car. Sometimes, the air in the tires is heated so much by the lightning passing through that the tires pop from the increase in pressure, but I was told it would take like a mile of rubber to insulate from a lightning strike.

That guy looks like he eats 2 burgers and a half pound of fries as a snack lol

That's gotta suck to get weighed in stones

Yeah, I couldn't get into it for the same reason. Well, that and all the dehumanization.

That just happened to be the first episode I watched, and I find the fact that the only place with a scale with the ability to weigh them was the local dump to be hilarious in the saddest way possible

How about that time on 1000lb sisters when they had to get weighed at the dump

Not sure how meshnet works, but what I do is have a server set up to route all my files from RD to plex. So my server requests the files from RD and then sends the streams to whatever plex accounts have access.

This way, all RD traffic is routed through one IP address in case I am traveling and my parents are watching plex at home.

The best bet for streaming TV and movies is to pay for real debrid, set up zurg/rclone/plex_debrid, and use either plex or jellyfin to watch the content.

You could also use a debrid service with kodi, but the previous method, while harder to set up, is much more family friendly in my opinion.