you do you..

back at ya

that's the best part about magic: lil something for everyone 🙂

rip it and upload it to the internet archive imo

I don't have to play politics, but I can't remove politics from the game

nothing I can do to stop other people in the pod from making deals and doing their thing

I'm not gonna be the fun police and demand other ppl play how I want, so I typically stick to 60 and 40 card formats

they got trapped in b tunnels one round with absolutely no map info til spinx flanked and shredded them lol

zero awareness that round

with $500 I would buy some draft boxes to play limited cuz I like draft and sealed

I had the same experience with the dual lands in 2000ish

I remember thinking "lol $80 for a card—what a ripoff"

oops lol

should have just skipped the middleman and flushed the money right down the toilet 🧠

I'm surprised it made the cut and didn't get banned along with Crusade and pals.

I thought they were trying to remove direct references to any IRL religions 🤷‍♂️