Lewdwig's dex-slave

I made it, maybe I'll use it for a parody video idk

Theoretically, don't we all exchange $20 all the time with how society works?

Lewdwig's dex-slave

Why do you leave space between the dots ?

Lewdwig's dex-slave

The hell are you on brother?

Btw this is my ideal final boss, makes sense and much cooler than fucking Radahn


Lewdwig's dex-slave

I wish someone was as obsessed with me as you're obsessed with Vatti and his CuT cOnTeNt

It was just a goof, just a haha funny, why aren't you laughing

The moon in the landa between is gigantic in comparison to the sun, surely it involves some other celestial object. And Radahn's conquest over the "stars" isn't literal, as he was also stopping meteors such as the one that was headed for Sellia.

We don't know why it failed

We do though, one of the ghosts says "the sun has not been swallowed," which means the eclipse did not occur.

And they clearly say they want to grant him a true death

Who? The only evidence for that is in the golden epitaph, none of the ghosts in castle sol say they are aiming to grant a true death.

And there's a completely obvious answer: The cycle of life and rebirth currently in the Lands Between is about granting new life to soulless bones. It's not about bringing Godwyn back himself, it's about pushing him back into the cycle by creating life out of his death. But that also failed anyway.

Idk what any of this means. So they were trying to put a random soul into Godwyn's body and then kill it so it returns to the Erdtree and goes through the cycle of rebirth? And somehow that explains "grant life to the soulless bones?" Wow such an obvious answer that has soooooo much evidence

Don't souls that die under Marika's reign return to the Erdtree then? Why would they wash up in the land of shade?

And doesn't the helphen's steeple mention some sort of spirit world in the time before the Erdtree?

"Imma foreshadow a connection between these two characters in the base game and then instead of building on that connection imma make up another connection that doesn't make sense within the context of anything prior to the dlc"-Truly masterful writing. Miyazaki, you've done it again.

Fromsoft's writing isn't above criticism. "It's their story" season 8 of game of thrones was the story David Benioff and D.B. Weiss wanted to tell, does that mean it isn't completely terrible? Cause it's theirs?

Wasn't destined death just normal death before the Erdtree's cycle of rebirth?

Wasn't there an attempt at reviving him using the eclipse? Btw it wasn't to grant him a "true death," a ghost in castle sol says "grant life to the soulless bones"

Ans didn't it fail because Radahn was holding the stars in place?

"Making sense" isn't the same as "good writing"

Didn't it fail because Radahn was holding the stars? And it's nit like Miquella made up the ritual, the eclipse is known to "ward off" destined death, as mentioned in the eclipse crest great shield description.

A ghost in castle sol says "grant life to the soulless bones" people often forget that

A ghost in castle sol says "grant life to the soulless bones"


I'm fucking dead (Maliketh killed me so I can't be revived sorry (also the eclipse doesn't exist))

Yeah but why does the eclipse ritual even exist if there's no way to resurrect him?

destined death which seem to be implied destroying his soul

What item description/dialogue says that?

Lewdwig's dex-slave

The hell you doin here

Lewdwig's dex-slave

Incest pedophilia: 😡👎44%

Incest pedophilia necrophilia: 🤩👍100%

Lewdwig's dex-slave

Barry D light, my beloved

Lewdwig's dex-slave

You're saying this ironically but I'm genuinely disappointed at the poison swamp catalogue the dlc has.

I know he's saving the deathblight swamp for Elden Ring 2: revenge of the death prince, but no frenzy swamp? Come on

Lewdwig's dex-slave

Wow you're so brave