“Kids” or “boys” … I think part of the problem I see is that we tend to not call out boys and call them “kids” as if it’s BOTH a boy and girl problem when it’s mostly boys. And then they grow up to be men who spent their entire lives getting away with this behavior…

A young girl asked me the same thing earlier this week in Newport Beach on the strand where people ride/skate. Who are these people? What’s the deal/scam?

If Clinton swapped places with Bush and had that smirk on his face he’d be so much harder ;)

When was the last time you had your eyes checked? If you’re near sighted it’s harder to judge distance of a ball being returned to you …

Nah, sounds like he and sister had some boundary crossing in the past (sexting? more?) and she continued with it and he’s going to use this opportunity to throw her under the bus.

Not me thinking you were applying Splenda to your body acne to get rid of it…

I’m sorry you had a stressful home life. That was not your fault.

Check the side of the bed against the wall or her bed in general. My friends daughter started pulling her hair at night and hid the hairs.

This is the problem for kids who peak in high school. All that boils down to is looks/popularity. None of which really takes any sort of work. It plateaus or is down hill for them.

The kids who were considered “losers” peak later in life and get to ride their success and hard work. They didn’t prioritize looks/popularity. They had goals beyond the moment and see more to life than the microcosm of high school.

Have these guys got caught up in the moment and accidentally touched another man’s ass during a game in excitement?

I’m sorry but men do not accidentally touch women’s privates. They know what they’re doing.

Call the local news stations as well. Put this teacher on blast so she never works with kids again. What is wrong with her??

But also, Dad really needs to know to step in when his child is being abused like that. “He doesn’t need to put on his jacket, let’s go X!” Or when she mentioned who’s in control he cuts her off and says, “That would be me, his Father. We’re leaving now.”

Strongly worded email to Director and every parent you know about how this teacher is emotionally and mentally abusing your toddler. That he now fears school and this teacher. Etc etc

NTA you’re a good Dad. Also concussion symptoms can onset 24-48 hours after the injury. I wouldn’t let her go quite yet and certainly not with the kids.

IF you do drive them … make sure the kids know how to recognize concussion symptoms in grandma and how to call 911.

But seriously, don’t put that on your kids. Keep grandma with you guys for the week to make sure she’s ok.

My toddler would yell, FUCK! Whenever she saw a truck.

I get so distracted playing next to tennis courts because of the moaning/groaning sounds make tennis players make. It starts off funny and then is annoying af.

I think it’s a flex. Like I’m so rich I don’t have to buy practical bags. This bag is useless but oh so cute and goes with my outfit. lol

Have fun living the life you want bc you’re not taking care of a man who didn’t want to take care of you! I’m so happy for you!

Just a parent here…

It’s so important to have a life outside of your sport so that your entire identity isn’t tied to it. When things are good, it’s great, but when things aren’t good (normal!) you have another aspect of your life to balance it out and carry you through.

Your sport is probably your safe place, but sounds like it’s time for you to get outside your comfort zone and put yourself out there to meet new people/friends and find some new hobbies or ways to balance out your life.

There are a ton of clubs you can join in college. Join meet up groups to go hiking in the area. Pick up a new sport where it’s fun to be bad at something new (no pressure). Take classes like rock climbing, pickleball, pottery, pickleball, etc.

Get reports from her coworkers in writing about what happened. Ask neighboring business side and across for CCTV footage. You can also ask more info in r/legaladvice

Seek legal advice before trying to ruin the business on yelp.

I add a scoop of vanilla Greek yogurt & an egg.