I don't think this person is the type who even knows what you are referring to. Very well put btw.

Last time I went on a tour of a government building I didn't show up with a zip ties and a screaming hoard hoping to overturn an election but whatever floats your boat I guess. Party of law and order, right?

I notice there is a patch of grass left.

I watched it once then turned up the "light" on my laptop to see if I can see anything the next go around.

You squish a piece of coal hard enough you get a diamond though. Conflict free diamonds are a win.

"I keep telling you, I'm not a rascist, but that ain't my species." But seriously that is one weird zoo.

Why do I suddenly have a vision of Futurama's Santabot thingie descending on that hooman?

I will show my age. Still have Gummy Bears VHS tapes.

Under her flipper? That is so awesome.

Ia there a reason they have to be kinda straight up or is it just because they are being bottle fed?

I am waiting for Beware of Roar sign and people's suspicions when they see this cute, cozy potato.

How dare you call the tiny pillow stupid? Once tiny pillow learns how to use those claws it's going to be a murder kitty pillow.

Gorgeous squad.