That sounds super fun. Thank you for the clarification.

They all have done a couple of one shots, they are all ready to dive in. I will go over your AP guide, thanks a lot.

Based on your description, Strength of Thousands seems to work best for the players I have, mostly because they like high fantasy magic settings. Although, Season of Ghosts sounds awesome, I don't trust my players to do village management.

Thanks for the info. I have been told before that Abomination Vaults is better played online, so that was the one AP I knew I was going to avoid it. Which then made me wonder, if there are APs that are better played online, are also there APs that are better played in person?

Best Adventure Paths for a in person game?Advice

I have not played a in person game basically since Covid happened, now I am thinking in running one. So, I was wondering a if there are any AP that are particularly well suited for a in person game. The people I play with are seasoned RPG players, but have not played much of 2e yet.

I can relate to this so much. I go to yearly ayahuasca ceremonies and often do shrooms, and every single time I am afraid of these experiences, despite how beneficial they have been to me.

I am on an android phone, and I have never experienced any input issue at all. I am not even sure what people are experiencing. I guess I'm just lucky.

So something that fails due to chance it won't trigger, but if the chance "happened" but didn't triggered because of lowered ability accuracy, then the ability hits.

Having the ability to choose between 2 stats for a saving throw would fix the problem I have with the saving throw system that pathfinder 2e uses.

I would add the DnD 5 saving throw system, I really like the concept of rolling saving throws for all stats. It makes stats like charisma feel more useful.

Does the frightened condition stack with itself?Core Rules

Let's sat character A uses demoralize on a enemy, it is successful and gives frightened 1 the enemy.

Then character B uses the Fear spell on the same enemy, the spell is successful and gives frightened 2 to the same enemy.

My question is, does this enemy has frightened 3 or frightened 2?

Did the demoralize and the Fear results stacked into frightened 3? or only the highest result (Fear) is in effect giving frightened 2 instead?

Question regarding the interaction of the sorcerer draconic bloodline and the human feat Arcane Tattoos.Core Rules

What happens if a draconic sorcerer take the human feat Arcane Tattoos and chooses abjuration (shield) as his/hers school of magic. The draconic sorcerer already has shield since it is in its granted spell list, so what happens? Does the sorcerer has 2 sources of the shield cantrip?

So would this sorcerer be able to use the Shield Block from the cantrip twice under 10 mins? Since it has 2 different sources of the cantrip. Or the sorcerer can't choose abjuration (shield) as an option for Arcane Tattoos?


So, this is in Brazil, so they are speaking in portuguese. The best part of this video is after the fight is over, the guy who recorded the fight keeps mocking the bully by saying he is a dumbass for starting a fight he couldn't handle. By his tone it seems they know each other, so the cameraman is just relentless with the mocking.

Mage's Tattoo for Tattooed Sorcerer Question

Tattooed sorcerer gives a free Mage's Tattoo without the need of Spell Focus. Would then be possible for a sorcerer be able to choose the School of Water as a arcane school for mage's tattoo rather than the evocation, conjuration, etc ?


There are way less christmas cards than halloween cards. So you will find less cards in the chest for sure.


I just bought it, and it worked fine for me.

I'm using android.

can you expand on that?

I got 200 gems and a bunch of other cards. I think they just fixed the problem, as it is from right now, I can no longer get free gems.

I will make my life's mission to see this movie.

If they compensate us is some way for the downtime, I will probably still play. The only reason I can think that would make me stop playing is if I lost land because of this mess.

That being said, I don't think I can handle many more major fuckups like this.

I really don't mind some themepark stuff being added to the game, if done right, it is fun. But Archeage kind sparked some sort of sandbox passion in me =D

I really do wish there was some sort of Eve Online without the space stuff =/