These would be $80-90 for a new full set (Canadian) where I live

I know someone this and "good for you" all the time. I think she means it sincerely but these phrases just sound sooo sarcastic lol

One of my managers always sends emails with this and it's an immediate 🤢🤢🤢🤮

I was looking into a group tour (with Intrepid and others) and this is what makes me nervous about it!!

I answered a call from someone offering this recently. He seemed taken very aback when I said I lived in a condo and had no ducts. Wished me a very lovely day. 😂

Acrylic nails done (not too long as don't want breakage), gel pedi, either eyelashs lifted and tinted or lash extensions. Highlights touched up and hair trimmed. Spray tan or fake tan applied. New bikini always lifts the spirits too!! Might buy a laser hair removal device before my next big trip too

They're a fun read but soooooo badly written. The author needs an editor and it shows lol.

I don't know if I've "cured" my acne as I still get it (early 30s yay lol) but my skin is way better since using Finacea (azelaic acid) and cutting down on dairy/sweets

Awesome book. Just a really cozy lovely romance. Need to reread it

I would say Nay-oh-mi but both are accepted pronunciations. One of my favourite names, it's lovely.

Like Luke, don't like Lucas.

Love Brooke, don't love Brooklyn

Georgia, but not George lol

Gwen yay, Gwendolyn nay

Lila(h) 👍 Delilah 👎

Try to at least once every 1-2 years. Why spend $1000+ to fly within Canada and stay in a hotel when a ticket overseas is also 1k?

Watermelon, or any melon really. Never have liked the taste. Watermelon has a weird texture to me too. I've never met anyone else with my opinion 😂

Yeah she had a real theme going. Extra Y's I guess = fantasy? Lol

I definitely said it as Ryan in my head the whole book until she said it's Rain.... Like why 🧐

Xaden from Fourth Wing makes my eye twitch lol

Oh and Ravyn from One Dark Window. Why the unnecessary Y???

Heading there in October, I'm so excited!! What did you love about it?

I ordered a pair of Milanos recently and they arrived with a TON of glue(?) on both straps as well as a blue stain on one of the shoes. Quality control is really going down lol

Excited to read Two Twisted Crowns!! I was surprised at how much I enjoyed One Dark Window.

There's lots, just Google stage/theatrical setting spray. I know Ben Nye has one

Stage makeup and professional stage setting spray

I'm the worst for this, my friend has this passport/money/document/phone holder pocketbook thing that loops around the neck and I'm buying one for my next trip.