Riddle diary has to be reddit. Reddit just slowly saps your soul the more you put into it...

Oh damn, you are convincing me dark hawk is the way to go

Or hand size, she is an extra card that starts in your hand

You could have gotten it from the last event I believe. It was not supposed to be in the shop this time. So if you don't already have it your safe either if you buy it or not

Final fantasy, everyone rides chocobos in Orlando

I think it is because it takes so long. It takes days just for one upgrade, it seems like by the time I can upgrade again I made up the cells from before

Op just thought his rohypnol was really effective that one time

I cast iron lad in the office and I noticed that they made a QA in spanish but like the person who wrote it has some spanish training but it is clearly not their first language.

Are you getting your meringue to stiff peaks? This used to happen to me when I went to soft peaks

There are different ideas/rules for time travel. PoA uses the idea that nothing can be changed even if you time travel. 1. Everything always was including the fact that you time traveled. 2. Another idea is when you time travel you are creating a parallel reality and no matter what you change in the past, your original timeline is intact, but a new one where the changes take place occur. 3. You can time travel and every change can be like a butterfly effect.

PoA uses idea 1, CC uses 3

Exactly and watch your dive times. Scuba is to be respected, but if you do the bends is very unlikely. Doing dumb shit like cave diving without training is much scarier

That's a Boeing whistle, she is not going to live much longer..

I'll take a koala bear please. Shame he has to leave after 6 seconds though.

You could buy packs that give the star currency. This would give you the upgrades necessary

Halfway through reading this I was thinking oh shit it tastes like soap and cleans dishes, must be soap

I hate how racist this country has gotten. When Obama was president they always had bullet proof glass surrounding him when he gave speeches. I mean I know he is black, but he wasn't going to shoot anyone...