This is a bit alarming. The idea that YOU are questioning whether or not you are in the wrong for wanting your fiancee to care about you and the child that calls him dad is a bit telling that something very bad is going on in your relationship.

Your fiancee should want to be there, he should want to know how HIS family is doing, what is happening to HIS kid. He should want to be helping both of you as well as his daughter. I'm guessing none of his family has showed up either.

4 years into a relationship with not just you but your son and he can't be bothered. Love, it's time to rethink this relationship, not just for you but your kids.

I'm with you on the teens. I prefer 14 and up. I don't have to many rules, my main goal is to give them a safe space and get them ready for living on their own. So I do have them cook and clean.

I have done younger kids, youngest was 4 and I find that very stressful. I not into entertaining little kids, anymore, and the teens pretty much like to do what I like to do and if not they can do their own thing.

Edit: I will say if I have more then 1 kid at a time I do prefer that they are somewhat close in age. It just makes life simpler if they are into the same stuff age wise.

I have five nieces and nephews, never have I or any of my siblings gone to visit on the day of the birth.

The earliest I ever went was on the day after my last nephew was born. That was because my other niece and nephew were sick and BIL wanted to check in on them so I sat with my sister for him.

Visits at the hospital is not the norm for my family


I don't know but my god! I am in NC at 95°+, humidity above 60 and I am sitting in a cool house. Was the same all last week!


When all my sisters started to get married and have families my older sister wanted to bring her dogs everywhere.

Not sure why but both BILs let their wives blame them for not allowing big sis to bring them but it worked. I'm guessing it is due to my family having confrontational issues but my older sister just grumbled and that was that. Been 20+ years and it is nice not having the dogs around at every event

Very likely. We have 0 safety net for pretty much anything. Also, our foster care system is so messed up, it's about parents rights and not really about what's best for the children.

Yeah, people in the US typically do not like the idea of being able to support yourself plus kids on a foster care stipend. People tend to take advantage, like the one family you wrote about.

Personally I think it would be worth it, these kids need more then a few hours at night from adults.

But I also think that it should be something that expects more than a high school education. Should require a degree and more monitoring.

I would love to do fostering full time.

Not sure what is happening in your marriage but from what you wrote it sounds like your husband works all day and then has to make his own food and house hold chores. While you eat and watch the kids.

He has every right to be upset with you. Why would you not at least make him dinner when the issue arose?

Also, I can understand his frustration with you speaking softly. You need to have a conversation with your husband so both of you understand what is going on with each other when that happens. He clearly is misreading you. Communication is so important for a healthy marriage.

NTA for not wanting In-laws to move in but you are if you actually yelled at your husband.

Yelling will not resolve anything only creates issues. A good conversation between you and your husband so both of you are on the same page will go far into a healthy marriage.

He has already stated that this would be his last World Cup and then he will retire. Pepe will retire as well.

I really hope they win

Yes, but he was Luke Perry sooo ... We didn't care, the guy was hot!!

Saltburn - Barry Keoghan looked like a 30 yr old, Jacob Elordi wasn't much better - ruined the whole moving. Wasn't that good of a movie to begin with.

On the other hand, I was totally shocked that Nicola Coughlan was 30 playing 15.


The only way to make her stop is to embarrass her in front of people.

I do find it slightly odd that she wants to name her daughter after you, it is highly likely she has feelings for you. You might want to talk to your wife about SIL's obsession with you and get her thoughts.

Also, if she does try to call you by your middle name put a very hard stop to that right away!

I always knew this would be the end of their marriage if he knew

It is not your responsibility to take care of your dad's marriage. Would he not be more upset that you are keeping this whole issue from him?

You need to have a conversation with him and only him. He can then talk to his husband about what SD is doing.


Was is harsh, yes, but understandable. Cutting contact is sometimes the best things we can do save ourselves.

Go live your life, create the family you deserve!


There isn't a "need" for the extra money, just a "want". Also, if her kids need to be in all the extra activities their bio-dad can help.

Technically if her kids are your family then your mom would be hers as well.

I had a 7yr old with all the same odd behaviours, that biggest one for me was the lack of imagination! Kids should be loaded with imagination but my little one could not play with legos, sticks, or go outside without some sort of directive.

And cash at the bank the check is written from

Don't separate your laundry.

Clearly something happened with the communication between the two of you. Time to step back, take some time then revisit what happened.

The argument is not about bringing the laundry down stairs.