With what , an electoral college that ll give him office with a guaranteed lower popular vote? One that magnifies the rural, white, older, conservative vote? Fine system this country has. Like designed for fascism and then people say wait fascism is coming!?

How the hell is the tar and asphalt going to set when flooded with water lmaoo

We can't even gainfully employ the young people we already have and keep them out of life long debts. What will more young people do?

Can someone expand on demographic catastrophe?

Denver gave 800 homeless people a $1000 per month basic income. By the end of the trial , more than half had found their own jobs and housing , and the city had saved about $600,000.

No anecdote matters.


A preview of the future of medicine in the country with all those talented NEET toppers becoming doctors

When a population is reduced to consumers of commodities, building entire identities around possessions and brands, the only means of participation through a consumer market, they reduce their politics to an act of consumption as well. Look at how we even talk about candidates. "Choices" , as if we went down the Walmart aisle , didn't find our favorite cereal and now are grumbling about the limited choices we have with crossed arms. We assume no responsibility to ensure that we have a culture, a politics, a people where better leaders rise. Just passive consumers. Hell we don't even assume any responsibility within the boundaries of the system. Where was the organized movement to try Trump under the 14th amendment after that whole Senate hearing to disqualify him? Where was an organized movement to stop the dnc from not having a primary, anointing Biden a second time? And we dare complain these are our only choices ?

In Brazil, Bolsonaro, the wannabe Trump, tried to do an insurrection, and his supporters destroyed government buildings. Within 3 months he was persona non grata, and then charged. Janine Anez , the US backed coup leader in Bolivia, was thrown in jail after failing to remove the democratically elected government.

Americans don't have a clue what democracy means. They can't even be bothered to form a neighborhood council. Why would they? There's no brands and sports leagues for it.

Hey I have an idea! Let's make these unnecessary funnel shaped,ugly, water collection roofs in a country known for heavy monsoons without any water drainage outlets. And for some reason insist on the ugly design to appear freaking everywhere as if we can't think of any other shapes! That will be amazing!

So Taj Mahal lasted more monsoons than Ram mandir? XD

Yes that is winning. What do you think he has been doing all this time? Not lie not gin up fear not ramble?

Op is right. The TV is all about optics. And biden got stomped in that area.

Boomer is a mindset, yes I am bringing back the 2010s classics

Nice! Yep I am happy to share and read our works for feedback etc. What are your goals?

Same, looking to workshop samples