heartbreaking to find out how he was forced to let Dan Snyder rub his feet in such a suggestive way as such a young supernatural monster

You clearly dont understand the physics involved here if you think Starship has greater thrust than any rocket planned to launch from the Cape.

Are you genuinely suggesting the US can never launch a bigger rocket? If not, then it's gunna happen at the Cape. There's no discussion here.

SPX is not asking to launch from virgin wilderness.

Um well, it was already decided that the Cape would be a launch site long ago now so... this isn't really a discussion right now. Not unless you are questioning in bad faith like BO.

but none of those things are facts. you can't know any of that. you just made all that up.

you could JUST have easily said "man was slapped awake to appreciating his life/relationships after long term girlfriend finally leaves due to commitment issues, grows as a person, and finds a new relationship as a better man".

2 years is not "speedrunning a relationship" you weirdo. It's probably either exactly average or possibly longer than average for time of dating before marriage for someone their age.


that's a fun word for "actively harmed and oppressed" until like, just recently.

gee I wonder what outside influence caused all the queer people to band together and form a strong culture of wagon circling when attacked.

think carefully about this video and where it was shot and why the camera is probably locked down on the human faces more than usual here.

Goddamn imagine having to make maintenance budget/practicality matter decisions when interior designing for THE Oval Office.

moderate commitment issues to the complete moral bankruptcy of child abandonment... wow. what a monster this guy has become.

then you're a kid.

a 15 year old is a child. teenagers are children. You start to treat them like adults up to their maturity level, but they are children.

well NG, they build an expendable cargo spacecraft to bring the payload from LEO to the ISS, but SPX still launches it.

But also Dragon is reusable so it would for sure be what's used in an emergency. People aren't forgetting. It's just better and proven and basically the modern standard. Can be launched smoothly without a week or two of scrubs and delays and leaks.

What... the literal fuck are you talking about???

I specifically said you cannot compare her to the theoreticians. She was a giant in an adjacent, but unrelated part of physics and there is no direct comparison to what, say Einstein was doing with gravity due to where theoretical physics was at the time.

Curie's work was just as incredible due quite a lot to her genius specifically and her best-since-Faraday experimental skills/intuition/mojo... but there's no point trying to "rank" her or whatever the fuck with all these great more famous theoretical guys at the Potsdam conference. She was in a different field of physics.

Why the fuck are you accusing me of saying pants-on-head stupid shit like "aren't as smart as theorists" or "contributions less important"? Are you just responding to a different person/comment even though you technically are responding to my comment?? Are you just using poetic license to respond to an imaginary person instead of my own words to better make your point??

lol you are so backward on this. It's the NASA projects that are the corrupt 800 billion dollar schemes to funnel tax payer money to Boeing, Lockheed, or other aerospace contractors for doing the minimum amount of work in the longest amount of time... and usually having an extremely flawed or negative utility vehicle to show for it at the very end.

It's the private non-traditional aerospace companies like SPX who have been delivering on and innovating spaceflight technology more than at any time since the 60s and for tiny amounts of public funding compared to what the normal NASA projects get. And no public funding for anything other than delivering astronauts or cargo to the ISS. Innovations like developing reusability, etc. are all funded privately and yet it contributes to the massive recent lowering of spaceflight costs NASA benefits from massively... including SPX bringing NASA astronauts to the surface of the moon in a few years for damn near free.

Centralized governments famously did terribly in the Space Race compared to the US after but a brief head start.

The ability to just command from on high/brute force a space program into existence from scratch with as many resources as needs be to get it done and as many corners cut as needs be to get it done first.... was good for, again, an early head start for the Space Race, but the US space program, NASA, and the army of private aerospace companies under contract took a massive lead in just a handful of years and has been incomparably ahead ever since and continues to lap Russia on space on the regular, to this day.

And if anyone wants to bite back with "the ISS"... Russia was not brought into the ISS project because we needed their modules or their help, they were brought into the ISS to stop the Russian space sector from collapsing and thus sending thousands of unemployed Russian rocket engineers off to consult in Iran or North Korea or wherever. It had nothing to do with "needing to collaborate" or "putting aside national borders in space". It was, in fact, a calculated geopolitical move.

The..... Saudis??? What the fuck? A petro-nation with no space program and barely any aerospace industry?

Awareness isn't the point.

Making it impossible to ignore is the point, impossible to stop talking about or thinking about.

The new emerging consensus is that there is no risk of an actual "collapse" of the current like you mention and is very commonly touted as a near-mid term possible catastrophe triggering/destabilizing scenario because older models did not include several self-reenforcing processes that basically protect the current with an inherent stability against the climate developments that used to be thought as lethally disruptive to the current.

We are still drowning in near-mid term climate catastrophes we nee to be worrying about, but this is not one of them. No perma-frost in London and Paris for now.

Not attacking the kid, but that was not "baby fat". That was childhood obesity and should not be seen as "normal/healthy".

If a kid is that size, the parents should be gently correcting course with the food they make available.

They need less screen time.

A 3 year old not being able to just play or use their imagination is grim. They're 3, not 7.

It was because it was the decades immediately following two things: Maxwell's discovery of the classical theory of electromagnetism, and the maturation of abstract mathematics in the 1800s (complex analysis, topology, differential geometry, linear algebra, symmetry groups, curved spaces/calculus on n dimensional manifolds, etc).

Electromagnetism was THE big "opening of the flood gates" for modern physics to arise out of the post-enlightenment, classical/Newtonian physics that was finally on the right path thanks to Galileo and Newton, but still not "mature" and largely done by wealthy gentleman science with imperfect and inconsistent methods and often sloppy mathematics/bizarre notations, dense and cryptic formulations.

A lot of people don't know this, but once Maxwell had cracked electromagnetism, special relativity was imminently inevitable. If Einstein hadn't been the one, one of his direct peers, Plank probably, would have published something roughly equivalent to special relativity and been the ones themselves. Like within a year or two of Einstein's publication date. Possibly Maxwell himself if he hadn't died early of stomach cancer, is fun to think about. Everything at the cutting edge of physics in the late 1800s, very early 1900s was pointed right directly in the direction of special relativity.

Then the development/maturation of abstract mathematics made it so electromagnetism also led right to quantum mechanics with minimal delay.

It's really general relativity that is the major profound "holy fuck" brilliant individual insight physics revolutionary achievement that could very well have been undiscovered for a while if Einstein hadn't personally done it. Special relativity and quantum mechanics, comparatively, both tumbled right out of the theory of electromagnetism after poking it a bit plus the coming of age of math.

She was largely an experimentalist so it's pointless to compare her to the great theoreticians like Einstein or Plank.

They are giant, gentle, deeply emotional dogs with excellent memory and bad eyesight and they get brainy reward chemicals for being good socially successful herd/family members.

They have to be pushed to well beyond psychological extremes before the threat of violence rears up (unless we're talking about the solitary, roaming, elderly african bull elephants in mating season who go nuts and turn into unpredictable, aggressive, antisocial menaces of the savannah and beat up all the smaller males and local trees to hoard the females for themselves... the ones that national parks and conservation orgs allow to be ""hunted""/executed by some wealthy hedge fund asshole's son and his golf buddies all wearing turbo-cringe, overpriced "safari/adventurer" clown costumes and taking pictures of themselves holding big rifles and equipment they don't need/don't know how to use... group shots of them all standing next to efficiently established, credibility-affirming, coarse military grey-green canvas tents or huddling around a boy scout-perfect fire pit warming up ham and tomato and eggs on big black metal pan in the campsite's very early red streaked Tanzanian dawn.... even though they slept in their rooms at luxury resort on the border of the national park and were just drove in to meet the guides there. No one eats any of the ham and tomato and eggs the guides made for them at their camp because they are hungover as fuck or ate the resort or are racist and ignorant enough to turn down a fresh cooked breakfast before a day of, in theory, hunting, because they think the Tanzanian's field cooking is somehow unhygienic or parasite ridden even though its clearly just breakfast food they packed... but it smelled good and painted a good picture for the pictures.

he's just a lil' ol' little guy... he's doing his lil' ol' best.

can't no everbody be a 6'5 Adonis.