Its using his Pawcifier

He knows what you're thinking

So sorry for your loss :(

Looking at her the name Penelope instantly came at mind, no idea why

Bro, theres no excuse, shoving here is ATROCIOUS. Even queens should fold there. You got lucky to have the ONLY combo that COULD call there, but your play was so bad that you really deserved to lose this hand. If you think your play was good and got unlucky thats fine, but that was not the case.

Lmao at the downvotes

4bet shoving 150bb+ with Aces there is the worst possible play

Seriously I want my 80 minutes back.
This was probably the worst movie I have ever seen


Lmao. Shut up incel

I adopted Bailey because Omaha was lonely, so glad theyre friends now


Just took a look at your comments and posts, you're an incel loser
Go fuck yourself

Lmfao. Who the fuck are you to say anything? Shut the fuck up, bitch

It was hard at first, but then Omaha finally adopted her, now they're good friends