Yes, except we already had done that, so we had to rewrite basically everything.

“Great for modders” only after they updated to the new version, which was one of the biggest rewrites I can remember. It definitely killed a lot of mods that never came back

Does this sub still have the redstone lamps in the sidebar?

It seemed like there were a couple years where mojang’s Auth servers would go down at least once a month

The file itself is a PEP, but compared to setuptools/scikit-build/other tools that use it, I still find the keys and structure poetry uses to be less readable

63 - Doolittle

Immediately convinced Wood needs to bat higher in the order

63 - Doolittle

Can’t believe we’re still making this exact mistake. Gore might not have gotten out of it, but I doubt he gives up more than 3

:wshcc: Washington Nationals

I was in awe of how… almost bored? he looked during his first major league AB

The man wrote five books in secret, you think he couldn’t have written an anthology worth of short stories too?

:chequered-flag: Chequered Flag

This constant back and forth gets so old. Last year people were saying “2026 can’t come soon enough”, or “just give RB the next three WCCs and then let someone else win the races”

Now it’s “let’s delay the reg changes, it’s finally getting good!”

I think we all just need to give up trying to predict what is going to happen

It depends on the project, but usually there is a “bin” or “app” folder for executables, and I start there. For libraries, I’m usually only reading because I’m already interested in a specific function, so I start with that one

Or as soon as either of the principles get a different project

Basically every 1.x.0 release of numpy had at least some things that a strict interpretation would consider 'breaking changes'. If numpy followed semver, their major version would probably be ~20ish by now.

Don't get me wrong, I agree numpy has a pretty good policy here, but this comment makes it sound way stricter than it actually is

I was a lighting designer in school and I always notice when I see a show and I’m actually /not/ thinking about the lighting. Appropriate did a fantastic job doing all the things lighting is supposed to do, but doing them all so well that it never called attention to itself. Really incredible design

:wshcc: Washington Nationals

The fact that we’re even in the wild card race is

  1. A testament to how much of a mess the NL is right now
  2. Proof that Mike Rizzo has some sort of divination technique

Yeah, I have only used it a few times when writing really long forum posts where I wanted syntax highlighting in my markdown code blocks

:wshcc: Washington Nationals

A lot of guys could at least force errors, if not outright get to first, if they ran a little harder

:chequered-flag: Chequered Flag

Slid and smashed his rear wing

:chequered-flag: Chequered Flag

You’d think the team would have noticed a pattern by now

:chequered-flag: Chequered Flag

Feels like we’re gonna get a Singapore repeat, I bet George slows up Lewis and neither get anywhere interesting

:wshcc: Washington Nationals

It being a Mets “home” game is kinda a L for them in that respect. Wouldn’t have this crowd in queens