This will be my best week ever with over $100 every day in approx 5 hours. Averaging $25/hr

I have one bogus cv and I just got top Dasher so in all probability they know the cv's are a crock of shit.

DD just told me🤬Rant about DD🥵

I got top Dasher and I can dash now anytime. WTF I thought they just did away with that program.

From what I know that only happens when an order is placed thru the store website or app instead of thru the doordash app.

The only shopping orders I don't mind🤬Rant about DD🥵

Are the liquor store orders. The customers never complain, they tip and the pay from DD seems higher.

The estimated time to get an order🤬Rant about DD🥵

Why? If it had any truth to it ok but until then it just takes up room on my screen.

Is it intentional or is it routine dd system/app f/up

I get that multiple rimes a day as I'm waiting at the same traffic light.

I almost never take stacked orders anymore and rarely take shopping orders. As long as I stay busy like I've been.

I have a love hate relationship with Doordash 🤬Rant about DD🥵

I love that I only have to do it when I feel like doing it and it's been profitable enough for me. I hate just about everything else. The people that run this business.. They are wealthy and incompetent human beings. Pieces of s+it.

Tomorrow🤬Rant about DD🥵

It's supposed to be 98°in my area with a 70% chance of rain. Probably will be busy for dashers because most people won't want to go out. South Florida

You can do it if you have a time machine because dash anytime has disappeared by me.

Thanks for letting us know that. 👍

Carry extra straws you take from restaurants in your car.

What are they going to try to sell you when you go in for your free facial.

When I write that I'm not having problems dashing, 🤬Rant about DD🥵

scheduling, no trouble getting good orders, income is higher than ever, a good part of what I get here are obnoxious remarks. I'm usually trying to give someone advice based on my experiences. So keep it up if it makes you happy.

Ya know there's treatment for Peyronie's disease if your that bent

I'm done for the day and it was the busiest, best orders, $30/hr I've ever had on over 2000 deliveries over the past year. I can't complain.

71 freaking items? Could be 71 cases of water.

The proper way to do it is what Nancy Reagan said. Just say no. There are no tips when you work by time for the most part.

My strategy is not going there and it works every time. 😏

DD busy zones? 🤬Rant about DD🥵

And supposed hotspots. They really aren't giving you any useful info. You know your area and where to hang out. They just want you out there chasing colored dots so they can use you and abuse you.

Doordash and the customer's that think🤬Rant about DD🥵

I'm going to look for a parking spot and then go for a walk inside and search the mall to find the store you ordered from.. you can go f yourselves.

You have to be employees to unionize. We're independent contractors.


Was a busy morning for me. Over $100 just from breakfast.