I guess that was just never MYYY norm 😂but it’s also wild to think about how much a 5 or 6 year age gap shows in this particular situation

It definitely casts a bit of a shadow on some of the people I hold in higher regard from later seasons. Happy to see how a lot of them have grown since these older seasons though.

It’s a wild time capsule. Kenny thinking he is gods most handsome gift truly is far too much to handle most of the time 😂

I’ve never spoken that way about anyone and never will and if that makes me naive I’ll take that over being a grade A dick.

I’m trying not to judge. Having watched the more recent seasons I see the growth and have a lot of love for a lot of the people it’s just wild to watch it now and just got the point where I was like what the fuuuck. Obviously now everything everyone does is discussed online so it’s hard not to seek some sort of discourse. Bananas has and always will be one of the most hypocritical challengers 😂

Oof im just now on her first season but the hate that she gets in the later seasons always seemed crazy to me

I always wondered having started watching later on why everyone hated him so much, but he’s high on the list of wow you were a fucking dickkkkk. All that to say I do appreciate that he seems to have grown as a human since then as we all have

The way they call the girls like Beth, Aneesa, etc fat while hyping up big easy before he actually passed out in the final challenge is insane to me

The island was hard to watch. Granted I understand they’re all coming in expecting the normal challenge situation of fancy house. Challenges. Etc. so I would also be upset but damn

Thank you. It’s definitely a roller coaster. And theres such a discourse now around everything that I was just like I know I can’t be the only person feeling a bit what the fuckery about it.

when you make your lips out of ballon animal ballon’s that’s all you can do

That's fuckin RICH coming from her.

GOD THANK YOUUUUU i literally screamed at the tv: "if you don't stop wearing that doo doo brown lipstick!!!!!!"

call it Rinnavation and give her a makeover inside and out.

it's definitely weird but after all the shit she went through with the first mawwiage I would throw one hell of a party for the second one!


at one point in time she made some good tv. since then she's fucking garbage and i hate that she's still getting air time

eh, let him live. if people wanna buy tickets and go it'd probably be a hoot to go out and get drunk and dance and have a good time. it's like a mediocre wedding band, but if the vibes are right WHY NOT


She looks like a muppet on acid.

Elton John is somewhere laughing.