When I think of concepts like heaven, I think about a world of feelings, emotion. Our world is a world of senses. We see, smell, hear, feel by touch.

Heaven is different. There's no time, there's no space, nor any senses. You're just "living" by emotion. The one single thing we won't ever be able to explain is why we feel. What I mean is related to Qualia, google it. You can measure if someone is happy but you can never, ever, measure how it's like to be happy if you, as an observer, can't feel it. If you can't feel it, you can't ever understand it. Because it's simply not quantifiable, not measureable. Yet it's still real and you know it when you feel it.

The danger of time travel is the time travel itself and the implications it has. If information can go backwards in time, that would mean things can cause themselves. Event A causes B, which causes C, which causes A. Which one was first? That's paradox. There's no causality here, cause and effect are the same. But because causality is what defines past and future, without causality, past and future would be the exact same. And thus time would not exist since time is what separates past from the future. You can't separate two identical continuums. Everything can happen randomly without cause, it would happen "at the same time."

From what I think I know this can't happen in the universe but who knows what goes on in black holes.

Supposed quantum entanglement allowed for sending information (which it doesn't), then I would build the following:

A machine that sends a message to a recipient very far away using an entangled quantum state. Then having the recipient reflect that same message. By doing that, this information would go faster than light, allowing it to end up in the sender's past if the recipient is moving at relativistic speeds.

So, at the end, the machine would actually talk to itself, but its future self. Which would enable time travel into the past as far as the machine exists. Thus, any information from the past can be brought into the present provided that this was not before the creation of the machine. This can even be done without a time machine, it's what videos and pictures essentially are, but I mean you could actively retrieve information you wouldn't otherwise have access to.

It would send information but it has already recieved that same information some time ago. You could even message the future, or have the future message you. For example, some operator for the machine can send a message, but you (the operator in the past) has already recieved it before the future operator sent it because, well, it's a time machine. So this way you have communication in both directions of time. From this point of view, we should consider the time machine in the past and in the future as two separate objects communicating with one another, even though they are the same.

That would be my "Sci-Fi" idea kinda how my time machine would work. But from a physics standpoint, it's wrong, no information can ever go faster than speed of light in vacuum and quantum entanglement doesn't change that.

And this would still only allow information exchange. It doesn't mean I could actually go there. Because there's no way I can desintegrate my body into pure information and teleport it there.

Du machst dir zu viele Sorgen um Unfälle. Leute fahren 30 Jahre ohne einen einzigen. Also gefährlich ist alles, das sollte einen nun wirklich nicht vom Motorradfahren abhalten.

Das Finanzielle ist eher der Punkt, an dem es scheitern kann. Mach's nur wenn du auch selbst Bock drauf hast.

The best kind of weapon is a weapon you never use. An atomic bomb is the closest we're gonna get to that. They prevent wars between nations that both have such technology. There's not going to be another world war as long as atomic bombs exist. Even if we came super close in 1983.

I don't think the deployment of two atomic bombs over Japan was a mistake. Hell, if they had made it in 1941 already, they would've rightfully bombed Nazi Germany.

If you have checkered paper, just draw it diagonally. Like downwards and left.

Diese EU-Denkweise ist der Grund, wieso diese Organisation in ihrer Autorität stark eingeschränkt gehört. Die EU hat das zu tun, wofür sie gemacht wurde, nämlich ein Wirtschaftsbündnis zu sein. Nicht mehr, nicht weniger. Keine Ahnung was alle mit diesem Superstaat wieder wollen.

I don't see any reason for why that would happen. We never really observe that. And it doesn't really change the trend of increasing entropy.

Like, those bubbles, even if they existed like you proposed, they could not prevent heat death.

There are places with low entropy right now but it will all equlibrate at some point.

That's just not how the universe works. It's the human mind playing tricks on you. If stuff like ghosts exist, then they will use our mind as vulnerability to "seek" into "reality" or at least what we percieve as reality. The actual reality doesn't change.

There are fluctuations but there are just fluctuations. In large systems, they're not relevant. Over time, entropy will increase. If there's nothing the system can exchange energy with, then entropy can only increase.

It won't even stay constant because every process that happens in this universe has losses, for example friction. It's impossible to make a contraption or anything that does not have losses.

You can't ever observe something without interacting with it. Which would make you interact with the past. That is a problem because that information from the past would interact with information from the future. But information never goes back in time, so there's the error. No, you can't observe the past, not even as a ghost.

When you look into outer space one could say that you see the past but what you actually see are the present traces the past once left behind. It's not the actual past, merely a projection.

Multiverse is only possible within the confines of the many worlds interpretation that basically says realities "split" when a quantum measurement is taken. Because quantum effects have next to no influence on the macroscopic world, all of these realities would look exactly the same, indistinguishable. If you went to such a reality, you wouldn't realize it was a different one.

There's this series on AppleTV called Dark Matter and it picks up this topic. From there this idea came up. Maybe, if we build a machine that changes our future based on a random quantum measurement (for example connecting a bomb to such an experiment), then we would all be in a kind of superposition since all those possible futures are already determined. It's just not yet determined in which one we are exactly before we measure. So, in a way, every future already exists but we're in a state in which we can't know which of these futures is ours. There's a future in which the bomb exploded and one in which it didn't. We only know in which one we are once it happens and that is basically what time is. Time is a set of rules that governs how information spreads and interacts.

Since our minds and our actions and whatever we do is not dominated by quantum measurements, we do not possess free will and our future will always look the same, we can never decide something we have not decided because what we will decide has already been decided long before. And it will happen that way. If someone did travel in time, then this voyage would already been an action they did and will do, over and over again, in such time loops.

I guess the only place in the universe where this could happen would be a black hole.

Time travel being possible would mean that information can go faster than speed of light. It would mean there was no concept of causality, and therefore no concept of past, present, future or time. None of that would exist so basically everything would happen chaotically at the same time.

There would be nobody there to regulate it. Distance in space also always means distance in time, you can't treat them seperately. It's a universal, fundamental property.

That entropy causes the whole universe to slowly march towards certain death. In enough time, there will be no net energy flow, time will become meaningless as the universe reaches maximum entropy. The last stars will die out, it will be completely dark, until even the biggest black holes eventually evaporate.

KTM 690 Duke

Sounds like an instructor who sucks at his job. It's not your fault. Maybe consider getting a different instructor and a different bike. Supersports is a very bad bike as a beginner.

It's good at replacing my nonexistent coding abilities. I hate coding, I always let it do the code if I need something.

Ich sehe ja alles, dank Kontaktlinsen. Trage die 18 Stunden am Tag ohne Probleme, spüre die gar nicht mehr. Da das bei mir so gut funktioniert, nutze ich das halt aus.

Das Gestell ist sicherlich auch nicht das Schönste aber das würde nichts daran ändern, dass es mich stört.

KTM 690 Duke

I guess KTM is just that kind of brand that can give you a really good and unbreakable motorcycle but it might also give you one that only causes problems. It's kinda random.

There's literally no difference between sufficiently advanced AI and a person.

Das ist richtig. Ich gefalle mir mit Brille einfach nicht. Ich sehe es zwar nicht permanent, aber spätestens wenn ich in den Spiegel schaue würd's mich stören. Seitdem ich keine mehr trage will ich sie auch nie wieder tragen.

Es ist außerdem auch einfach faktisch ein Handicap, was unnötig ist und was ich umgehen kann.

Wer sowas schreibt, muss auch mit solchen Antworten rechnen. Aktio reaktio.

Was weißt du schon von meinem Innenleben? Du versuchst, mich zu verarschen. So'n Ding ist das. Ich weiß immerhin besser, wie ich über was fühle.

Ob ich einen BMW 330i oder einen Opel Corsa fahre hat auch nichts mit Selbstbewusstsein zu tun, sondern damit, welches Auto einfach das schönere ist.

Du scheinst einfach den Punkt nicht begriffen zu haben, dass nicht jeder so denkt wie du und dass Selbstbewusstsein irrelevant ist, weil es hierbei um MEIN Empfinden mir selbst gegenüber geht und nicht das Empfinden anderer. Andere sind mir egal. Ich kann nur selbst nicht zufrieden sein, wenn ich mich hässlich finde.
Mangel an Selbstbewusstsein manifestiert sich darin, wenn es mich jucken würde, was andere über mein Aussehen denken würden.

Vieles ist normal aber deshalb wird es noch lange nicht erstrebenswert oder akzeptabel, vor allem dann nicht, wenn man es ändern kann.

Der OP muss ich mich früher oder später ohnehin unterziehen, weil die Brille unschöne Nebeneffekte hat. Ohne wäre ich gesetzlich blind also habe ich vorübergehend die Kontaktlinsen, die sehr gut funktionieren. Finde das nicht arm, sondern normal, dass man sich im eigenen Körper wohlfühlen will. Und kein Handicap haben will. 😁