The big gap will be torturous. You’ll have class and then wait around (hopefully study) until the other classes.

That kitchen scene with the raptors had my heart going so fast. I was around the age of the boy in the movie and immediately placed myself in his shoes. I was living on edge that entire time.

The TRex scene when they got trapped in the car was also terrifying.

Unlocked a memory! The voice of that bat henchman has stuck with me but Ratigan being so savage on Big Ben was intense. Loved the movie but damn. He was scary when he went from posh/sophisticated to feral rat in a heartbeat.

Yea do you remember the days when Facebook was new? Oh hey let me look up my old friends from before I moved away and see what they’re up to! Haven’t seen these people in years! So cool to see snapshots of their lives.

Then they let everybody in and didn’t restrict to college kids. Then it turned into the boomers connecting and spewing their politics everywhere. Now it’s just toxic. Don’t show the lows of your life, ever. Only everyone being happy and getting newer and better things. It’s so miserable.

Buying parts?Question

Does anyone know of a site to buy specific parts for some of my old transformers toys? For example, I’m missing the foot portion of an old ultra magnus toy from the early 2000’s that would combine with Optimus Prime. Same with the shield accessory from the gray Rail Racer transformer where the shield completes the the gray trains backside. Please help.

I have leveled all to 70.

I used to enjoy rogue but could not get off of mine fast enough once I hit 70. I hated it.

Hunter, mage, priest, and rogue have all been terrible for me. I don’t enjoy pure dps classes and priest for some reason. Warlock was preferred as affliction just because the death and decay aspect of the build seemed to fit the class in my head. Demonology seems like a magical hunter type, and destruction seems like an evil fire mage. They’re not, but I can’t get those thoughts out of my head when I play them.

Mage, I just don’t care for casting. My friend was a mage when I first started with wow and I’ve always seen that as his class and haven’t been able to get into it.

Priest. I don’t enjoy their heals and the holy aspect seems so much less when the character isn’t geared in plate like the paladin.

Hunter. Pets do all the work with the major damage spec. MM is decent, survival was more my schtick when I was leveling mine just because I prefer melee over ranged.

Druid, monk, shaman, paladin, and DK are my favorites with Warrior and DH being close behind.

Dad would set the house to 72-73 at night. It’s the only thing I’d known at the time so it wasn’t too bad. Then in high school I’d sleep at a friends house over the weekend and their house was always around 70 at night and he had his fans on as well. I’d be sleeping in a palette on the ground with the blankets from around the house and be chilly for a bit but then was so comfy.

I am a very warm person. I am my wife’s personal heater and she is my icebox to cool me down. We both love our thermostat at 69° and it feels amazing. 68 and even I get chilly and my wife goes into ice cube mode. 70 gets me sweating like no other, my wife will say it’s too warm but doesn’t sweat. 70-71 during the daytime hours.

Funny thing is, my same friend from high school now sets their house at 74-75. It’s kind of miserable when our families meet up. He started cold and prefers warm and I’m the opposite. Funny how that works.

I absolutely hate Alatreon and have only beat him twice in World.

Safi is a wonderfully fun fight. It feels epic and isn’t frustrating, but if you fuck around too much, you will find out.

I learned I made it when I stopped paying attention to the price of things that made me happy. I’m a grown man but paying for a number of video games without worry along with a good custom built pc has been awesome. Buying a vehicle with a sizable down payment and not really feeling a big hit being taken when the monthly payment comes out is another one. Spending money on food without worry.

What still worries me is anytime my child gets sick and needs to go to the hospital. That always takes a large chunk away.

I was laid off around a year and a half ago and while it wasn’t fun, we were still very much able to survive due to the significant cushion of savings we’ve built up.

Sesame Street Big Birds Hide and Speak for NES. I don’t remember it but my mom always said she regrets introducing me to games through this. Lol.

First one I actually remember was Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt/ Track meet. My older brother would race me when I was like 3 or 4. For track meet, my dad would use his hands behind me to help me beat my brother. Then we would switch to duck hunt. I don’t think we actually played Mario very often bc the other two were so much more fun and easier to play co-op.

First MMO was RuneScape. We got into it around the tail end of 2004. I was really into it and then a few months later, a friend got my other friends and I into WoW.

Was into wow until 2008 or 09 I think and got out of it. Went to SWtOR in 2012 and was out after a few months. Friend got me back into WoW at the beginning of Mists of Pandaria when it came out but it didn’t hook me. Every time I returned to wow because of him, he would leave after another month. So I stopped going back to WoW. Then got into FFXIV in 2021 as a way to spend my time while wife was “pregnancy-tired” in first trimester. Got out of that with kid being born early. Kid turned 1 and was sleeping well through the night. Friend got me back into wow in Dec 22 with dragon flight and I’ve been subscribed ever since. Every time I get embarrassed about wow, I just tell myself that nobody really cares and that all that matters is that I’m enjoying my time. And I am. So I’m happy in that regard.

Reading. My wife is an educator and doesn’t have near as much time to read as many books as she wants.

When she gets the time to, I love it. She doesn’t take the time for herself to do what she enjoys.

She also is extremely smart and has a hyperfocus on the Science of Reading and can tell you everything about it.

I went to middle school and high school with this girl. She was a very smart, shy, and reserved person. Never knew her all that well though. We went off to college. She met a guy off Craigslist who took her to a party and that was the last her family saw of her.

Turns out the guy injected her with a speedball and she overdosed. So he panicked and dumped her body in the ocean. Involuntary manslaughter and concealment of an accidental death.

My dad was held hostage at gunpoint back in ‘88 and always has to see the entrance/exit of a building. Never been in military.

I was playing with the transmogrifier toy from engineering. My Tauren Druid turned into a male worgen. When I shifted to cat form, it kept me in worgen form. My attacks were with my claws and it was amazing and how the worgen attacks should be.

Chances are, you’ve probably handled one of my ass pennies!! So how can anyone be intimidating when you know they touched something that’s been up my ass? Genius!

It’s certainly part of it. He sees my wife and I react and continues it for sure. When he really connects and makes an audible slap, we both look at each other and just do that “ooooooh” face like when somebody cusses at grandmas house. You know it’s wrong and something’s gonna happen lol but it’s kinda funny too.

Dad of a 2.5 year old here. Nothing makes me rage more than having a perfectly good day with my kid to be asked to pick him up and then have an open faced palm slap the shit out of me. And continues to go at it until I put him down and walk away and isolate myself away from him. He gets sad, hugs, and then moves on with his day. Like wtf kid. We have never hit so he definitely has picked it up from daycare…

Hard agree. The crests and flightstones are very straightforward. Every other currency should be disposed of though.

My wife is amazing at giving gifts. She will take one off-hand comment of “oh man, I’d love to have _” or “I need __” in passing, she will take note of it. And months later for a birthday or holiday, the sweetest gift is given. An example: history lesson first. My maternal grandfather meant the world to me. He passed nearly 20 years ago now. She reached out to my mom’s side of the family for anything that was signed by him. She then sent that signature to a company to emboss /engrave his signature in a new wallet. When he died 20 years ago, I found his wallet and started using it. It was noticeably worn down and practically falling apart.

This woman gifted me this brand new wallet with my grandfathers signature. I was in front of my mom and dad and my wife when I opened it, not expecting much.

Y’all. I saw my granddads signature, was confused how it ended up in the wallet, thought it was his somehow. I started sobbing and saying, “I don’t understand, how did you get this?” and just adored this gift. I moved everything over to the new wallet and stored the old wallet in my nightstand. Now everytime I open my wallet, I see his signature. It’s absolutely fantastic.

The transmog on the pandaren made me make a whole new monk as Orc. I am much happier with my decision while my panda sits in a corner.


Thank you for your help!

Advice for a returning playerNew/Returning Player

Hey everyone. I’m looking to get back into the game very shortly. I got out around the time it went f2p and have been itching for a Star Wars mmo again.

A few things:

How is the PvE aspect of this game? I’m a tank in WoW right now and really enjoy it. When I was playing SWtOR back in 2012, the PvE aspect wasn’t that important to me. I’m old and don’t care for the competitive nature of PvP these days.

Is there a catchup mechanic with all the new content available? I’ve watched the gorgeous cinematics like they’re a freaking movie but feel similar to ffxiv where there’s a bunch to catch up on.

Does the game feel populated as you play or is it more of a single player game these days? Like get your class storyline finished and move on?

Is the f2p stuff avoidable? It was all in my face back when it first came out. Felt like I couldn’t avoid it in order to get good gear.


WoW is the main game where I have trouble deciding on what class I truly love. Every single class is fantastic to play and you’re right, you can easily tell what class someone is while looking at them. Such a great game.

This 100%. I am mailing BrM monk this season and have definitely loved their class fantasy. You significantly hurt me, but I’m too drunk to feel it so imma shrug it off.