:megasloth: Mega Sloth

Well yeah I was a noob so it makes sense

Are Europeans being kicked out of their homes by foreigners or something?

Asshole Enthusiast [5]

YTA. You're coming off as passive aggressive. Just tell him your concerns. If he's not ready to go on a diet, that isn't something you can do anything about without being an AH. You can't just try to steer him in the right direction, and trying to force the subject will just breed resentment. Tell him your concerns in a reasonable way and he will be more receptive to changing his eating habits.

Probably not directly. But they became billionaires on the backs of workers whose pay did not increase proportionally with profits.

:megasloth: Mega Sloth

Is that a glitch? I thought that was supposed to happen three times

:megasloth: Mega Sloth

I was a gunslinger until about level 30. I had a really op revolver but it became tedious with the slow reload speed. I did decent damage but i would get destroyed while reliading. so I built myself up into a stealth commando and I'm loving it so much

Why is there a photo of Duterte? He isn't even president anymore

I pulled a lot of these yesterday and thought the same thing. Are they really dandelions?

😞 I'm afraid this will happen to my watermelons. They already ate all my strawberries. I actually ordered a mesh cover and it should be arriving tomorrow.

You're supposed to do both. Also as a baker, there are many situations while handling dough that gloves will not allow. Frequent hand washing is a must.

Asshole Enthusiast [5]

NTA. If I was BIL I would be grateful that a female relative stepped in

:megasloth: Mega Sloth

I just switched to a stealth build and a radroach crawled right through me and didn't see me

I just threw tons of this in the yard bag. I had no idea it was edible

Asshole Enthusiast [5]

NTA. You have every right to refuse service if you're uncomfortable.

I feel you. The squirrels here like to steal tomatoes and leave half-eaten carcasses on the deck to troll me. I started growing at least 10 tomato plants of different varieties so they can just pick one and leave the rest alone and it actually works. We'll, that and the cat...

It got bitten by a zombie squirrel