Yeah, so many of these subs are just terrible. I try to just follow the real people like you and then enjoy posts from real beautiful women & couples 😉

"Isssss a coobas...backssss offssss ors dies!!!"

I think you're beautiful. You also seem intelligent, quirky, fun, and friendly. You go. The user name doesn't fit ya!

Use their number and apply to any of the big loan disaggregation sites. SoFi, Credit Karma, Lending Tree, & NerdWallet will end up sending off their phone number to EVERY lending institution that is looking for customers. I've heard of it taking over a year before they stop calling. They'll call multiple times a day, from multiple numbers. When you block a number, they just use another. If they have decent credit, it'll be even worse. Great credit and the calls will be endless for quite a while.

Oh man...this is brilliant. Bird lovers will be ALL over this! It would work with snakes too. People love them their snakes!

That is not upstate The Adirondacks would like a word haha

Sweet. I'm going to hell. I can't wait to see all of the amazing people that will be there!!

Narrator: "In truth, they despise America. It's a land they can only love if they are in full and complete power and all of THOSE people are dead and gone."

If they have cars in the driveway you can always advertise on Craigslist "Free parts car. No Title. You tow it away, it's yours." Nothing like having your car "stolen."

Another car hack. Call a tow truck company and say that your ex-Brother in law intentionally left his car in your driveway and you want it towed off of your property. Tell them you can't be there, but no one is around so they can just take it off of your property. Might work. Might not. Certainly worth a try.

Glitter bombs can be fun too...


This is way unethical. I totally approve.

Just use a VPN so that your IP is not snagged by this.

They're likely doing aggressor work for the Marines at Beaufort.

Mostly bc you're 18 and the boys around you aren't really all that confident yet. You're fine. A relationship will come

Oh. BTW. It's not really illegal if it's conducted as an official duty. There's no consequences. You gave us this power. Time to let you feel the full effects of this battle station

Absolutely. If I have a choice between Fascist fascists or Democrat Fascists, I'll take the latter. We're not going to get you all to actually fix this issue unless you feel the pain you've created. Arrest them all. You all killed this Republic. Now you should feel that pain so we can create a new Republic out of these ashes

Good ethics can be the thing that keeps us from saving the country. I guess our good ethics will mean we get too take the first spots in the gas chambers

Us Dems are too ethical for this. We're gonna lose the tiny sliver of government we have left to being the good guys when the other side wants to win by whatever means necessary.