Love the feedback! We definitely hear the sneezing (or just generally sudden movements) comments often šŸ˜…ā€¦ it can be tough to design a product that fits well & fits right every time for every body out there. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve already tried this, but the only encouragement I can give is if you find your current product isnā€™t working as well, keep looking for new options; there are new products coming out (particularly in the cups area) often.

Also - would love to hear your past experience with tampons (and why it makes you say cups are far better)

Random internet stranger here, but happen to work in the feminine hygiene business. If you ever have any questions on what to buy (pads, tampons, liners, cups, otherwise), feel free to DM.

Recently returned to game, played a couple rounds and have noticed pretty extreme stuttering (making it hard to shoot accurately). Question

Any optimal setting changes or recos to fix this? Never had any issue with this game even a month ago.

Next time you buy a new house, donā€™t bring your old kitchen with you

If you donā€™t mind me asking, what brand do you use & what is your application technique? Iā€™ve never worked with that beforeā€¦

What finish/oils did you add? I am trying to make something with this same wood and love the color!!

Would love to hear your conclusion on sparkliness

I play with Battanian culture (for speed buff) and ally with Sturgia, RPing as a mounted-only mercenary company, since their armies are usually tilted towards heavy infantry. Then once I vassalize, I try to get a Battanian town or two so I donā€™t get the leader cultural loyalty hit but can still support Sturgia

I mean you can disagree with the time all you wantā€¦ I think what everyone is trying to say is that the amount of time is intended to be incredibly inhibitive (15 min) to encourage (force) you to get out of combat before you can jump. Since youā€™re being ā€œjammedā€.

People are reading your comments, & theyā€™re offering the reason behind 15 min because thatā€™s what you referenced in your original title. Please read your own post before commenting šŸ˜‰

Purchased online, theyā€™re metal. Unfortunately I have not gotten into turningā€¦ that might be next though šŸ‘€

Lol, idk if Iā€™d expect traditional tutorials beyond the first couple hours of the game, but there is something that you unlock after that mission, so itā€™s generally recoā€™d you stick to it till then. I watched a couple YouTube videos on ā€œmistakes to avoidā€ and outpost building and I found them helpful ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ but to each their own.

Looks like a mounted machine gun in the ship builder lol

Stick with main missions until you complete the ā€œinto the unknownā€ constellation mission (I did it as soon as it appeared in my mission tab) Took me a few hours to get a hang of the star charts and inventory management.

Whatā€™s your technique for the base of the box & drawer? To get those thin strips in between the other wood? Iā€™m planning to make something similar but Iā€™ve never tried to glue multiple pieces of wood in parallel like this.

From what Iā€™ve been reading, it seems to be best to build multiple small (though defensible) outposts within the same system that firstly give you processing access to Helium-3, aluminum, and iron. Beyond that itā€™s up to you. Maybe select one or two more complex products & find the materials to build those as well?

Thatā€™s a beautyā€¦ honestly never really liked the shape of the Ebon Hawk but I really like your take on it

Ah, I missed the sarcasmā€¦ Iā€™ve only been doing this for a couple years and this is my first project on my own & first cabinet ever. So I do still feel like Iā€™m a beginner

Fair point! It helps with the clutter, but yes this probably wasnā€™t my most efficient project lol

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m in this subreddit šŸ˜‰ if you have specific critiques or advice Iā€™d be happy to hear them