just had a mental flashback of when i found my dads old heavy metal comics. in one of the scenes some guy was crucified with a huge hard on and there was a guitar or something involved. mild trauma unlocked thanks

lol what kind if article is this. studios want popular actors tied to their movies. its a practice going back like 100 years at this point. thats just how it works

that's the neat part! you dont!

no it never came up. i never deleted all of them, just a few times, not always stuff i had to act upon, a lot my job wouldnt be looked at unless therr was s deep dive outside audit or something.

for gods sake son give the coconut fiber to someone with a pet snake, dump that bucket of poisonous muddy gravel out and just go get some real potting soil


went through a very serious mental health decline last year. i was over medicated and extremely depressed. i think the term would be mental breakdown but it was much slower and more spaced out than you would think. it was weeks long. thankfully i am back on track and have been doing fine. what saved my job was me coming to my manager before they came to me and told them i am not okay. boss said he knew something was up and was planning on talking to me. work was understanding and gave me a lot of leeway for some time. i have a semi-professional job

things i did at work during that time:

stare at my computer screen until it turns black and then i keep staring. i would try to do this literally all day sometimes but would get interrupted.

cut my legs under my desk. i would just reach down and slice away

take things apart and then throw them away once they were disassembled.

delete important emails on purpose

slept in my car

drove from one facility of ours to another and drove in other company's lawns on the way there.

no thats called dogmatic law. catholics believe that a certain amount of gods divine vision can be interpreted by church leadership. that leaders in the church are tools that god directly works through. literal proxies.

this is why the catholic church is really weird

looks like those clowns in congress did it again! what a bunch of clowns!


im a sequel hater, believe me, but thats one of the few common complaints i disagree with.

in space you dont need much propulsion and 0 energy to maintain it. it was like a force jump. she just had to go in one direction for a second, and she would just go. if the ship wasnt there, she wouldve flew forever or until she hit a celestial object or something .

seems insane that shes flying, but shes not, its a small display of force power. also showcases her ability to remain calm and make smart decisions.

honestly one if the very few displays of classic force powers in the sequels

edit: profound typos

usually this happens first thing, that eay they can take action ans get the offending party out if thr school before they absolutely finalized their investigation.

if it turns out to be nothing but hogwash, becsuse sometimes it does, then, well they were on paid leave, no biggie

yeah but it wouldnt matter, you would genetically be predisposed to functioning like that. it would come naturally to you

i would get rid of it. dead trunk with a bunch of sprouts means the tree is putting all of its energy into a last ditch effort to survive. its in real bad shape. i wouldnt bet a dollar that it will live, sorry :(

man i have always tried to cut garlic like they do in this movie and it never works

you took the toilet paper that sat next to the toilet and brought it out into the restaurant.


fucking love steve earle. i believe you just inspired a deep dive

the internet back then and the internet today are not similar in the least. they might as well have different names honestly.

back then, the internet was an information network ran by users, with access provided by a few midsize companies.

you chose to go to the internet and you chose to leave. you would sit at the computer during times that you used it.

now its a persistent part of our world. it might as well be one of the elements like fire, earth and water. it is completely ran from the ground up by billion dollar corporations. it permeates ever single second and inch of our lives and its inescapable


not cooking with MSG and enjoying the wonderful flavor it adds because someone said it gives you headaches 50 years ago

it looks weird. doesnt look like any animal ive ever seen. get a black jig, and lose the little yellow fish baits

hmm, how indepth? you dont always have to disassemble the gun. why are they cleaning these guns? i think if youre going to a accurately describe them cleaning the guns, then the context should matter