NTA. Not only the wife but also her parents. SMH…

“thân tặng" can be translated as "presented to" or "dedicated to." It is a way to express that the gift is being given with special thought or intention to the recipient.


she may have thought: 1. your parents are too old to raise 3 kids. If something happens to them, kids have to go thru this all over again. 2. your brother may favor his kids over hers when there are conflicts between kids. 5 kids are too much for him to handle 3. You are the best candidate: you are young & full of energy - you can do more for the kids. You don’t have any kids of your own so you’ll love these kids, without favoritism. These kids love & adore you. You’re financially stable so they can live comfortably under your care. Sister to sister, you’ll love her kids. You’re a lawyer, you can protect her kids…on and on.

I once had to go thru this when my child was young so I get why your sister chose you. It was a selfish act of any mother - to make sure her children are in good hands.

NTA. You are being honest with your feelings and you are being honest with her.

i bought when it was $28…i’ve lost so much that i stop caring

what if you can’t ride?

he’s a show off! my ideal day ..?! eat, sleep, do whatever hell i want and be lazy all day long

NTA. Ben has moved on when he started cheating. Be grateful with your happiness. Please unfriend Ben - he’s a negative energy.


I smell controlling parents!! don’t hand over ALL your money to them. Tell them you can pitch in $1K and it’s all that you could afford. Save the other $2K for the rainy days. If they keep stretching you, give $200-$300 more. If they keep pushing then move out. in any circumstances, do not share/tell them about your financial. Keep your money in your bank and do online statements.

there’s a big laughing culture in Vietnam so don’t get offended when people laugh or giggle. They’ll laugh at everything and anything - it’s good vibes and this is how we stay young. Learn & embrace the culture. US or Canada are not Vietnam so don’t compare.

Yes, it bothers me very much!!!

The Lunar New Year is not exclusive to China; it is celebrated by many other Asian cultures and communities around the world, such as in Korea, Vietnam, and other countries with significant populations of people of East Asian descent.

Referring to the Lunar New Year as solely the Chinese New Year is ignorant because it overlooks the rich cultural diversity of the celebrations and the various traditions and customs associated with the holiday in different countries.

Don’t let her near your baby naming paperwork. She can name the baby however she wants unofficially, but you and your husband decide YOUR baby’s name and you have the legal rights to put what name you chose in the birth certificate. She got her chance to be her daughter’s mother. You deserve the same chance she got so don’t let her interfere your rights. Be clear and firm with her tell her let her daughter rest in peace and so does everyone else. Allow YOUR daughter to have an indentity of her own, not a reflection of a passed away auntie. This is the first step of you protecting your child as a mother! Your MIL will get over it.

someone posted warnings 1-2 weeks ago about warrants excercise today hence price dropping

you can take the child away from her without having to use force against her.

tell your wife! let her know her family

they did reverse split of 250:1

be thankful you have a powerful guardian angel watching over you. Consider yourself lucky. Keep your eyes & mind on the road - drive safe!

you’re over thinking …probably the person on the other end is her jealous boyfriend checking on who she is having lunch with 🤣

SCAM!!! how can he transfer that 10 shares to you?

hey Tick - thank you for always being here with us the last 2 weeks. I’ve learned so much from you. Will ride my shares to zero with ya! I’d like to see what’s at the bottom.