No onhan se nyt jonkun näkönen kanava vastustaa puoluekuria ilman että likaat omaa pesää, ja vielä sellainen mistä muut näkee mitä teet; pelkkä poissaolo ei kerro mitään.


Todisteena tälle kelpaa esimerkiksi se että museovirasto on kieltänyt ihmisiä omin luvin kaivelemasta muinaismuistoalueilla. Jos ne oikeasti haluaisivat tuhota Suomen muinaishistoriaa niin noihin paikkoihin päästettäisiin kaiken maailman partajäbät tonkimaan vailla mitään koulutusta aiheeseen, ja paikoista tehtäisiin heti perään parkkipaikkoja.

Eli arkeologisesti kiinnostavien paikkojen suojelu = historian tuhoamista ja peittelyä.

But poetic, you have to appreciate that.

Its a sad feeling though, like abandoning your friends. But thanks!

I just today quit after 6 years on the same ship and 16 in the same company.

Reasons could be those you listed (almost like these undercrewing and out-of-touch management are an industry wide problem..?) and generally just being fed up with continious changes in rotation that made any planning for vacations impossible. It wasn't really a problem for me while I was single, but now my girlfriend was being shafted by these changes every time, as she had to announce weeks before when she wants to keep her days off, and it went too many times so that she was spending them alone at home because I wasnt able to leave the ship when I was supposed to.

Yeah absolutely, dropping can make it worse

[[Sol ring]]

From Lord of the Rings set, serialized dwarwen version.


Well that ship is no longer in a hurry...

Lower the anchor until loud noises can be heard from the chain box and pull it back up.

Edit: I was once on a ship that had a design flaw with the chainbox; the pipe was too close to the box wall and the chain started to pile up against it every time when heaving up the anchor. First solution was for someone to constantly yank the chain towards middle of the box with a long hooked rod, but eventually we figured out that giving the ship a 3-4° list was enough to get the chain come in properly.

/uj c3 to kick the knight out and open a file for the queen

Yeaaah, for a lotr nerd this is waaaay more valuable than random number in hundreds.

Theres elf ring 003 in cardmarket for 20k€ (that has not been sold...)

Hei OP, olen poliisikenraali Johan Nyåvitt Suomen liittovaltion keskuspoliisilaitokselta. Olemme havainneet teidän katsovan lapsipornoa internetissä ja teidän pitää nyt maksaa sakko. Muussa tapauksessa nimenne ja kuvanne laitetaan lehteen josta kaikki tuntemanne ihmiset näkevät sen.

Sakko on 0,05 bitcoinia ja se pitää välittömästi maksaa osoitteeseen asddadwfdsaktkgnek5439jfkskw.

T: kunkaallisen poliisin ylipääjohtajamarsalkka

Joo kun ottaa huomioon kuinka harva näistä tulee tänne kyselemään neuvoa, on vähän huolestuttavaa nähdä näitä postauksia viikoittain.

Ei saada koskaan tietää kun joku meni hinkkaamaan ton ovessa olleen vastauksen pois 😩

Can you tell me what was the reason I was claiming?

Lol no, I dont even play Lorcana and I regularily top4 at my lgs' mtg tournaments.

You seriously say that stickers are a serious mechanic? Wtf? You better stick to Lorcana.

Do you know what a meme "dies to terror" is? You really cant measure cards power level based on how easy it is to remove, you measure it by how big of an impact it has on board. The hottest creature in mtg right now can be countered, killed by any kill spell etc, but it still wins games. Why? Because once you resolve it you get so much card advantage that its hard for opponent to recover from that and is a decent beat stick by itself. If you dont know what creature I mean, then I win you noob.


Theres too much nonsense here to even start going through.


You think mechanic=card type, Future sight had contraptions, contraptions were legal, you thought stickers were not, Unfinity had only reprints like a "resource card" (its called "land" by people who play the game) that were tournament legal, All these things are stuff your average magic player knows is not true.

Man you are so clueless you dont even realize it.

Yeah went through some of them and black has had surprisingly many 5cc common LD cards in the past years.

They really dont, I dont know where you are getting your info.

Direct from the comprehensive rules:

Stickers are not objects. Notably, a sticker is not a counter or a token.

And original point was that wizards in their greed made these eternal legal instead of being the joke they are.

And the scammer can just use this picture and explain its cencored to "prevent scammers from using it"...

I think green has surpassed black as the secondary color for LD