He is way too childish & clingy. I think its more like save Caroline

I myself don't think it's Facebook but more the users. With all the immigration & housing issues in Ireland, I think it has given people the idea it's okay to be racist. The number of people that I have known all my life that are happily racist online & in person is actually scary. There is no way they are suddenly racist..They've just been good at hiding it.

All my life, if I nap, I always feel dreadful unwell for the rest of the day. If I sleep in past my usual time, I feel very off too

We just got rid of it out of the house & it was very mild thank god! Been here a number of times now

How is she pregnant so fast? Did they skip on a few weeks or have I missed some time lol

I'm currently learning to drive at the age of 38. The biggest issues I have noticed is mobile phones & either not indicating or doing so at the last minute

They made a mistake losing Max Bowden. He was the best Ben

Bobby Goldsboro- Honey. I have yet to listen to it without shedding a tear

There's definitely an opening to bring Janice, Cilla & Les back

Something tells me Nish knows something & is gonna drop a huge bomb before he dies...

Most of the kids in the 80s & 90s were physically abused by their parents so bad & it's not spoken about enough

I heard he hasn't gotten a divorce because he owns brothels with his ex wife! Anyone know if this is true?

I passed some on a beach recently & it sounded like cats meowing. Freaked me right out

People who use My Chemical Romances song Cancer as a break up song..Its about someone dying of cancer 🤦🏻‍♀️

I think she's way funnier now. I'm watching the old ones & my god she's intolerable. Constantly banging on about RAWSIE

What's stopping you being yourself & bursting those closet doors open? Is it a family thing? Religion or where you live?

My youngest has ASD & could barely speak so when she asked for Blackcurrant it sounded extremely racist because she was missing some letters 😳 I worked so hard to teach her how to pronounce it properly 🙈

Always said my death will be as a result of something really stupid