Always sunny in Philly cast were friends before the show and are still friends now. The podcast is a good indicator of how well they get along. Not to mention there're two married couples in the cast so I assume they get on real well.

Only had a couple chances to play with a full squad of friends but when I did it's been wicked. Super action packed and chaotic but having that extra legend opens up some crazy strats.

I still need to see if valk can ult 4 people.

It works on regular balloons, cliffs or any other hit box high in the sky.

Just evacs make it guaranteed and wherever you want rather than relying on map knowledge or quick thinking.

I've always thought Monster would fit a dark gritty real life German tv show. Sort of true detective style but leaning into the unease that's always sitting there.

I bet so many people heard the fight dialogue by accident after miss-clicking out of a menu and hitting him. Why on earth would you actually wanna hurt him?

If you believe that I've got a bridge to sell you.

Were good. Classic talent exodus has left them a shell of themselves (at least apex/primary studio). They really were carried by the OG crew and it showed. TF 1 and 2 were fantastic games based around tight cod style fps but with a movement twist. They clearly pivoted apex into a BR after the success of pubg and fortnite. Years later it's bleeding slowly and the best they can do is remove dive trails so they can charge you for them.

Yeah it's nuts how she ever passed through the design phase but respawns testing of legends has always been dogshit at best. That's why pathy had a flat 30sec cd on grapple at one point but horizon can be the most standout character for years without nary a change.

Ah yes but it shouldn't. I'd never vote for a happy clapper pedo apologist but evidently a large number of people will.

That's true but it's so rare for a team to co-ordinate and use her tac that way. For the longest time the reason it was op was because it was one of the best escapes AND you could heal while using it. That's what breaks the game, healing should come with severe movement penalties and horizon tac is the antithesis. No other character can get that level of heal and movement without an ult (octane is the only one I can think of and even then you can't double jump while healing).

Team movement is great in like algs but you're not getting a horizon 3 man tac in any lobby lower than diamond.

I absolutely can just as if I moved to Saudi Arabia I wouldn't expect to be able to get plastered on the street without repercussions. If people want to migrate here they need to adjust to our standards.

Just cos there's a fuckload of deadshits here doesn't mean we can't hold people to higher standards. Just as we should hold our own to them.

Yeah but dogs skirt the line of responsibility. It's already so low and the amount of lazy cunts who can't even pick up their dogs turds is astounding. Should be on the spot fines for not picking up Ur shit cunt dogs waste.

Rather them have kids that can at least be sent to work in the mines eventually. Dogs don't do fuck all except prop up big veterinarians (sham industry outside of the horse vets, they're doing Lord's work).

Because your (or anyone's) faith has fuck all to do with running a country. No major religion is modern enough to deal with modern problems. Church and state should always be kept separate despite how much certain groups want the opposite.

Why can't they be this brutal to the libs? Fucking Barnaby is a Brit and he barely got licked despite jumping on that greens fella like he was a treasonous spy.

Fucking dog people man. We need to bring wages up so all these cunts can have a baby to love and adore instead of their designer breed kaboodles.

Horizon is strong but not really op imo. Rev is way worse just cos it's a brain dead no skill champ. Press ult to stat check someone with bonus health is way more boring and less fun to play against then a horizon actually pulling off a good ult.

All they needed to do since her release is disable heals while on her tac and she woulda been fine.

My dad used to always save bacon grease for fried rice. It was bonkers good especially when he went all out and did steak fried rice.

I do a similar thing by getting whole chickens, trimming the fat and rendering it down. I know it's pretty common in America as schmaltz but I feel it's not used much in cooking over here (Australia) unless in Asian cuisine.

Because a lot of cultures suck ass. Muslims wanna come here then sure fuck oath but they're gunna have to accept we have gay marriage and LGBTQ rights instead of stoning them to death.

Who are your ancestors brought here against their will? The only one I can think of is convicts and they absolutely changed their culture over time. But they were also the first big migration of a people here and the only other culture was indigenous. There wasn't exactly a whole lot of cultural assimilation when they were colonising a new land.

Low key that would slap. Titanfall but with payload could be nuts fun. It could be hard to balance/figure out how the titans would fit in but I can see huge potential.

And you cunts still say "land of the free" without any irony lol

Fast queue time > match quality.

This goes for pre much all of apex. They could if they wanted make it so preds only fight preds/masters but there's so few players their queues would take 30min or in small pop servers wouldn't get a lobby at all.

Mixtape is no exception, in fact I think it's worse since I'd argue a lot of mixtape players aren't ranked sweats. You get one sweaty diamond+ player and they can shit on everyone in the entire lobby. If there isn't an opposing player equal skill the whole match becomes a bit of a joke.

It's very visible in mixtape cos BR has a lot of variables so even sweats can get fucked up by a third party or something. That will never happen in mixtape the best player will just roll.

Yeah it's a hard skill for newer players to pick-up but further away /= safe ask any bow gunner.

My biggest thing with newer players is a reliance on pots/mega pots. Sure early on they're the only real option. But if you've made it to iceborne there's absolutely no reason you don't have the farm setup for max pots. Bring max pots, bring crafting mats for more. Shouldn't even need mega pots outside of endgame hunts.

If that was my son those murderous cunts would have way more to worry about than jail time.

Yeah sure but does he strike you as one of those in power who actually encouraged and exacerbated all the things that generation did?

Not everyone contributed to that equally. Should be blaming the propaganda, corporate greed and political reprobates like Reagan that really fucked everything up, rather than individual older folks. Sure a lot of em voted for that but also a lot didn't.