After reading lots of negative reviews and subsequently ignoring them, I learned my lesson. Ugh there’s so much. 1) We were recommended by a friend who uses them often (coincidentally to store peoples’ items between moves), so the owner came by the old house to assess the situation. He took detailed notes and seemed like he was meticulously calculating everything. 2) Despite the dog-and-pony show of “pre-calculation,” they charged almost DOUBLE the original bid on move-in day, after everything was done. I’m taking thousands, not hundreds. 3) We asked for a special TV box (most other companies use these without request) and never received one. They literally moved our expensive TV by hand and got fingerprints all over it instead. 4) The movers repeatedly complained our boxes were too heavy. 5) The movers told us we had too much stuff. 6) The movers openly thought we were downsizing (untrue) and shared their disappointment with us when we arrived to the new, much larger house. 7) I got this strange, weird text message the day of our move - immediately after the movers left - from someone who was trying to sell me moving services after we mentioned we had a rental house to empty as well…and again a few days later even though I never responded. Obviously one of the movers was running a side-hustle. 8) The movers said they had to tack on a fee for garment boxes (no one mentioned this until moving day) so I was scrambling to unpack them all before they left. 9) Broken and scratched items. 10) When we started, the movers were inquiring which rooms the boxes went in and whatnot. They unloaded and asked before they took a few steps with each box. Or at least went by what they were labeled. However, by the end of the day, they threw everything in the basement, even some of our heaviest boxes, without asking where they went, and forgoing reading the sides/top. They were obviously checked out.

Anyone but Men on the Move. Literally any other company would be better.

I feel like this is what Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit patrons expected

Crazy that you found it almost exactly 120 years later

Water is maxed out despite the uptake in demand due to crop production. To keep up, water for irrigation would have to increase by 146% by 2050.

Clothes Mentor in Maple Plaza should be able to authenticate the bags but you could always call just to be sure. (734) 369-2017

I knew they were sketch but I didn’t realize it was that bad. I remember during Covid the staff refused to wear masks and made a big stink about compliance. I definitely won’t recommend them anymore though. That’s a horrible story about your friend. Sorry to hear.

You could always donate the glass. The Share House on Jackson Rd. has an entire collection of randomly-sized glass for table tops, shelves, and whatnot. They accept donations at the back of the building.

In the barn. He’s still scared of them but we’re working on it.