I didn't know Denzel's son played for the Pistons in the 80s and early 90s.

That's a big reason she got the role.

Is this a brag about their being a bunch of brain dead marks?

I'm at the point where rare 5* is an instant sell unless it's part of a good set and then it's only weapon, helm and shield and it has to have 5 in a % and speed. I'm getting there with 5* epics too.

That's because Eddie Lampert's private equity firm that owned KMart and merged it with Sears wasn't interested in doing that. They were only interested in sucking all the blood/equity out of both stores until they were just a husk.

Meanwhile Genocide Joe will send more bombs to Israel for that government's military to "accidentally" drop on innocent people.

If you live in an area that gets a lot of snow look into Michelin Cross Climate 2s, if not Defenders.

They need to remove the energy requirement for Twins since they limit it with keys anyway.

I'm gonna get Snyder defense force after me for this but Man of Steel, the concept of Krypton being a genetic caste system and Kal-El being the first naturally born Kryptonian in centuries to have the freedom to make choices without a gene fuckery influencing those choices, then throughout the movie he either gets a talkin' to for the choices he makes, follows the choices others made for him or put into positions where he has no choice, including before forced to reveal himself to the world instead of it being again, his choice. Jor-El, the guy who pulled had the scientist preset how more points in soldier than a bunch of Zod's unit. And really, Zod and his soldiers seem to be the only ones really influenced by those genetic shackles and to an extreme degree.

I'm convinced rolls and reworks favor flat Atk, HP, Def, and Res over the percentages, speed and accuracy.

Demytha will fairly quickly fill up buff slots with continuous heal buffs. Having two will of course do it twice as fast.

Age: > 10 Years

Does the Shields Meijer still have checkouts on two sides of the store? They use to have this booth thing you could go into that played some TV things I can't recall.

And yeah, that's one of those things that IMO lead to their downfall. They chose to not reinvest in their stores and update and instead wasted hundreds of millions buying other businesses and ventures that failed while Walmart and Target moved in and did to them what K-Mart did to Woolworths.

Age: > 10 Years

Nope, still empty, I have to imagine that roof isn't in great shape at this point.

The CRV still reminds me of a minivan.

My wallet which I'm pretty sure what it's for.

Age: > 10 Years

I kind of always hated K-Mart, part of it was the woman at the Midland one always following me around who I dubbed "pen head" because she always had one behind her ear the other just even back then they were a bland boring store. The only one I have any fondness for was the Bay City one because they used to have popcorn. The one at the Hamilton Square Mall I actually don't really remember much of but it was attached to what I thought was the coolest mall for some reason.

But Meijer, Meijer I use to get excited to go to when I was 8 and under.

Age: > 10 Years

The Saginaw and Shields stores were almost like an adventure to me when I was little in the late 80s.

Most Lacuna Coil songs with Andrea Ferro's vocals.

I don't remember any CCers saying anything about Plarium nerfing anyone. If they gave him a nerf hard enough to seriously hinder his viability (doesn't mean he remains being able to take CB to max turns) after having plenty of time to put a cap and limit his shield growth to his own shield before he was available while CCs were selling him to the community and not saying anything to them about while not addressing other champions players are making clever use of mechanics with I'd be pissed having spent money to finish the fusion and booking him. I know I wouldn't get anywhere, but I'd Karen up that shit to Plarium and Google.

Age: > 10 Years

More accurately, Betsy lived in Auburn and graduated from Bay City Western.

Weird, I have Geico and my insurance is around 700 something for full coverage for six months on a fully loaded 2023 RAV4 XSE I bought last year. Plus I'm in Michigan and we're among the highest average rates in the country.

I'd be surprised if they all actually worked. I worked for this awful company for four years, we got a self check out though thankfully we were able to keep two of our registers though one was a hybrid regular checkout and SCO that in the three years I was there after the remodel remained just a regular register with a tiny ass counter. Anyway, ours was, one of the early ones with a remodel in 2020 when we were turned into a "Fresh" store meaning a significantly expanded coolers/freezers and refrigeration unit for produce, that SCO for nine months was just an expensive shelf. Then when it did get activated it was up and running, I want to say year or so without any downtime but tech wise the piece of shit was well a piece of shit, like the company they bought them from and the people who wrote the software never used a self checkout before. Like basic functions you'd see from the ones at Walmart or well anywhere else the machine lacked. Plus the software it was running on was incompatible with the software our registers ran on with their 30+ year old IBM hardware and software. We couldn't properly do returns and we were still treating them as such but eventually an edict was given down from Loss Prevention that we now had to essentially treat returns from the SCO as returns without a receipt which customers and give them back a gift card absolutely loved. /s

So anyway, at first we were kind of looking forward to it working because we figured it'd give us more time to do other stuff but of course not first the thing was a pain in the ass for customers because mainly it lacked the basic functionality that every SCO has had since the 90s where you scan your stuff and hit Pay on the screen and you could either put your money in or swipe your card sometimes if you're using a card swiping/inserting/tapping it would automatically advance it and you'd pay, not DG you first you had to tap Pay Now then tell it your payment method, if someone wanted to do a split payment tough luck and this would hang up people constantly along with other issues leading to being a bigger distraction than had customers just went to the normal register. Then they wanted cashiers to be within 30 feet and retain line of sight of the SCO at all times, not that it was really done because it was impossible with all the work that needs to be done and the store layout. And of course after the first year we get told that it accounted for 8% of our sales so that meant an 8% cut in hours that were already not enough. Then after that the SCO started having problems where six of my last eight months there the thing was down for a bunch of reasons.

Also the other store in town was given the new POS system they had started rolling out in I want to say 2022 that they had so many problems with that they indefinitely suspended the rollout just befor we were supposed to get it, the other DG in town did get it though about a year ago and they did the thing where they turned both of their registers into self checkouts and in my last three months with this company they had to close multiple times because it wouldn't work properly. Along with closing all the time when they got a truck which then drove people to my store and so we'd fall behind more and more.

Oh and with our remodel we were supposed to be getting more hours to handle having to take care of a perishable truck that would come on our busiest day of the week, yeah that didn't happen.

I didn't mean to write this much, I'm sleep deprived and rambling. DG stores are like an easy to derail train.

I wish I parted ways sooner.

Yup, that's a Dollar General, worked for them for four years, awful company.