Good thing with wagons is they have steps just get back on and keep going

I am aware of that the replacement is $300

Well that’s def good to know, not all products do that. Dolphin def doesn’t I can test to that for sure.

But for a $500+ item I shouldn’t need all those warranties it should just work or be easily fixable

No they’re only 2 year warranty’s trust me I have a 5 year old dolphin with a shot power head. Has to be replaced for $300.
Totally eliminates the value it had as an investment


just learn how to manually vaccum and use your pump and filter system.

It could def be the dairy, Tell her to take the dairy she’s eating and cut it in half. Only use like cheese to help get the eggs down

Also is she working out at all? Really should get into a good legit local gym. No planet fitness or anytime fitness’s Find a “hardcore” gym. They’ll have the best equipment and the vibe will keep you motivated to go back the next day. Don’t let the crowed scare you. The scariest looking dude in the gym is also the friendliest

Weight training over time will help speed things up


Dude when I got my house. The OEM one to my pool was still in the box, we tried to use it thinking it was no good and threw it out and replaced it with the stupid dolphin.

However if I would have known about the lid setting for my skimmer it probably would have worked like a champ

That’s exactly what I’m doing too. I thought I was missing parts to my skinner for manual vacuuming and come to find out they were right in front of me the whole time I just didn’t know it. What suction vac? I might check it out I’m def not doing any more of these robot things fuck that

When your company gives you leads, or you pay for leads they’re always junk, waste of time, waste of money. Fuck BNI, LeTip, Facebook, and all the other things you have to pay for.

Learn your product and source and become friends with people in other businesses you can get real referrals from. If you do homeowners insurance become friends with lenders and realtors. If it’s health insurance employer groups and Dr offices,

If it’s commercial go to FREE networking events .

All you need is a few to give you a chance, and it’ll be a ripple effect from there/

That’s what I did if it weren’t for this shit market I’d be well over 6 figures right now

For a smoking application it really does blow the kettle out of the water. Everyone should own both

Yeah I always thought I was missing parts but come to find out they were right in front of me the whole time I was just a rookie pool owner, knowing what I know now. I can vaccum leaves on recirculate for maximum pressure, and then back to filter for the small stuff. To go into the sand.

Before I would shove the hose directly into the skimmer, and would have to empty the skimmer basket in the pump. Extremely aggravating process but now that’s history

Omg 6 months? Yeah lesson learned never again

I learned something about my skimmer basket anyways. Al these years I thought I was missing a part to manually vaccum turns out all I had to do was rotate the skimmer lid and it goes right down

Never ever knew I could do that until last night. Have had this pool for 8 years

I’m not sure how long they’ve been carrying it but it’s only $16 for a big 20lb bag.

You should give it a try one day. It’s the best fuel I have ever used I do think it’s better then BB

Haha I did see that! Yeah dude I am not happy. What was supposed to be an investment is a total sham. Yeah I already told my wife hell no we are not buying another one. I did take it apart and tried to clean it but I’m just going to cleanse my hands of this. It wasn’t that great to begin with tho it would very frequently do wheelies n shit in the water

Appreciate it man just sent u a message with a few pics of the inside opened up,

Yeah I usually keep it in a shaded area on a cinder block, yeah there have been times where it was out and unexpected rain came through. But nothing crazy.

I’m going to attempt to take it apart have nothing to lose at this point and see if I can clean it


Wait. So weired. I literally just went to go get it and see if I can get it apart, plugged it in inside, and the light is solid like it’s supposed to be. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 I’m wondering if maybe the pool store opened it up and cleaned it for me ? There’s no way. he was recommending to buy a new power supply, or a new vaccum for a discounted price

Huh I wonder if it did actually have water in it and maybe it dried on its own?

Spoke to soon it’s flashing again

Dude I so so appreciate this. Yeah I need to take it apart, so it could just be dried water messing with the connections, it has to be it. It’s never been dropped, just regular use and it’s stored in either the shed or pool bin when not in use, I turned it on this season it started to go, and then it just stopped moving and the light just flashes around the power button. It’ll even do it, if the vaccum is not connected to it which to me narrows it to the power supply

I do kinda the same, where my pump and filter are there’s a ton of shade so it’s usually sitting on a block, it’s an expensive thing I tried keeping it out of the sun the best I could So pissed this thing was so expensive I just got it in like 2019

Mine didn’t say that just said it’s shot. Blaming the fading on the outside. Which I think is stupid and just trying to trick me into buying a new one. The thing is designed and meant to be outside, near water. There’s no reason why it can’t work

Haha yeah they looked at it but he says it’s “shot” but no one can tell me why. The main thing he was saying is the fading on the outside. Well wtf it’s a device meant to be outside of course it’s going to fade but that doesn’t tell me why it’s blinking!

I’ll have to try again I did call them before taking it and the person on the phone was utterly useless just wanted me to buy a new box. Hell no at $300

Yeah I cross posted haha more exposure to question answering!

Actually before I dropped it off for them to look at, I did call Maytronics but unfortunately the woman I spoke to was equivalent to an ash tray on a motorcycle. (Useless) But i did not see that link the other day I’ll do some digging around that to see what I can find. She right away was like you have to buy a new power supply, but a new power supply is half way to a new vaccum. If I have to buy a new Motor every few years then that makes any savings it can have not exist

You know what’s funny. I just scooped up a nice master touch in the spring like new condition. And it came with a 3/4 bag of royal oak. Was actually not bad at all. But then this last bag I got the peices are super super small.

I have been buying. Fogo and b&b whatever’s on the shelf when I got to ace

Both brands kick ass