Why be all fucking fancy and then use Jim beam! Smh

Don’t think he needs two anyway!

He should do it! Lock him up as an official act! NOW

Will be hard to while on jail! Can’t wait and if he is t granted immunity Biden will have a field day!

And when they pass it, Biden should do some fucked up shit, like jail Trump immediately, seize all his properties, arrest the conservative Supreme Cout justices and jail every Maga politician

Of course we are GODLESS! Why would we go to a place where you know the people disagree with your lifestyle, shame you for it and don’t accept you? Why? Why would we put ourselves through that misery? I grew up Baptist and when I came out I realized the church was not for me. I know there are some churches that accept gay people, but do they really? I also know there are god fearing gay people. But to me being a church going Christian would be like a Jewish person who supported the nazi party! And groomers? Project much?

That guy didn’t have a gun, wasn’t self defense at all

I’m the devil.! He was the only one who provided stability and common sense in the crisis. And here we are 4 years late

Nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goodbye

How has Biden commented about this act? Also we need both the congress and senate and the presidency in November. Especially to keep DJT in check if he happens to win

When does it become time for the current administration to start playing hard ball? I would immediately stop all federal funding to that state where fair elections are not upheld. I would immediately start redeploying troops from those bases and I would pull all border patrol agents. Let them deal! This should have been done when they rebuked the bp this past year. Stop the numerous lawsuit crap and start playing at their level

Oh finally In jail? Been saying that since 2020. And he is still a free man doing what the hell he wants to whom he wants. He has conned a whole country

Could end up destroying the Republican Party? Where the fuck you been?

If it was ordered it would have been done! When the SC says there is immunity for sitting presidents Biden must in order to protect democracy

That is illegal and anyone else (all military) would be tried and in jail!

Hello! Opening day was good . I’m pretty sure all locations in Florida are sold! Yes we are steady and use seo marketing to get our leads

Why doesn’t he move the trail to another location. Doesn’t get have options?