
Yahoo is garbage. I was banned the second I created a yahoo auction account and when I got in touch with them I was told I could go fuck myself. Doesn't stop them from sending me emails every fucking day though.

Except frogs changing their gender is just something they can do irrelevant to poluted water.

Oh please. PLEASE tell me one truthful thing this walking zit has ever said.


Except already know the teaching style. Genki jacs has a proven system. Teaching in the target language is also the best proven method to learn a language. However learning a new language requires effort and engaging with said language.

Squenix sold the property about 2 years ago. to embracer. So it has been put in its grave.

More like dead mascots but kids these days don't know shit about the console mascot wars. Croc, Gex, Glover, Ape escape


Do you also smoke, drink, jump off bridges?

I saw a study that actually millenials are on average more tech literate than GenZ and onward because being born with intuitive shit like smartphones and ipads meant they never had to learn how to type or troubleshoot. Or interact with an actual computer in any meaningful way.

Remember everyone there's no paying for "early access." You're paying to not be barred from playing on release.


In that case I would talk to your direct superior. Honestly I don't think you're close enough to those effected to warrant words from you individually.


I would say a letter isn't neccesary if you see the person regularly you should just give them your condolences once. ご愁傷様ですor お悔やみ申し上げます。


Close. North Korean.

Maaan, I made this same joke last week with the dude that put 2 full avocados on toast and got. downvoted.

OP said his soy sauce was moldy. your response was it's okay because soy sauce is made with mold. Admit you're wrong and move on. Or try to double down like a baby. Clearly I'm not the illiterate one as I could clearly read what OP was saying.

It's not okay if you can see mold on soy sauce lol. This poster is insane

Really looked like an awesome Brute Force successor until it started showing off everyone's 2 powers. Then I got real sad.

Dunno about noita but how would Hollow knight apply? You need to beat certain bosses in order to progress. There are some optional bosses, but that's not the same.


Do your friends ever look at their textbooks? I understand that not everyone learns the same way, but this kind of screams lazy students rather than bad teachers.

I wanna say I didn't go to class when Diablo 3 launched. Worst day ever.

Anyone else really want him to say he's retiring just so the rats think they're safe to diss, and we get Kamikaze2?